[General] ; 0 -> Normal behavior (default). ; 1 -> Enables additional output to help debug the loader. This is only useful to a developer. Debug=0 ; The list of executables InfinityLoader will attempt to spawn. The first executable that exists is selected. ExeNames=BaldurReal.exe,icewind.exe,SiegeOfDragonspear.exe ; Patterns can change based on what executable is being spawned. When setting up InfinityLoader to spawn a renamed executable, ; it is important to map that renamed executable back to the original name so the correct patterns are used. ; ; This option is a list in the form of: ; :,: ... ; ; To configure InfinityLoader to spawn a renamed executable, the following should be done: ; 1) Above in ExeNames, either rename the original executable or add the renamed executable to the list. ; 2) Add an alias to this list that maps the renamed executable to the original executable. ; ; For example, if InfinityLoader should spawn BaldurReal.exe, a renamed Baldur.exe: ; ExeNames=BaldurReal.exe ... ; ExeSwitchAlias=BaldurReal.exe:Baldur.exe ... ExeSwitchAlias=BaldurReal.exe:Baldur.exe ; 0 -> Loader detatches from the console after initialization so the game can attach to it without problems (default). ; 1 -> Loader stays attached to the console. Use this option if the game does not attach to the console. KeepConsoleAttached=0 ; 0 -> Loader sends the standard io streams to nul after detatching from the console (default). ; 1 -> Loader keeps the standard io streams attached. Use this option if the game attaches to the console. KeepCrtStreamsAttached=1 ; The Lua library the loader uses when LuaPatchMode=EXTERNAL or LuaPatchMode=REPLACE_INTERNAL_WITH_EXTERNAL. Example: lua52.dll. LuaLibrary= ; INTERNAL -> InfinityLoader uses the internal Lua state / functions of the spawned program (default). ; EXTERNAL -> InfinityLoader holds its own Lua state and uses an external DLL for Lua functions. ; REPLACE_INTERNAL_WITH_EXTERNAL -> InfinityLoader replaces the spawned program's internal Lua state / functions with those of LuaLibrary. LuaPatchMode=INTERNAL ; 0 -> Normal behavior (default). ; 1 -> Spawns a message box immediately before InfinityLoader resumes the game, and immediately after InfinityLoaderDLL.dll's initialization has started. ; This is useful for attaching a debugger before the game launches, and before the DLL is initialized. Pause=0 ; 0 -> Normal behavior (default). ; 1 -> Alters internal InfinityLoader behavior to play nice with Wine / Proton. This option must be set when running InfinityLoader under either environment. ProtonCompatibility=1 ; These options are auto-generated by InfinityLoader. Do not manually edit! [Auto-Generated] CachedExeTime=13361726729093 ;------------------------------------------------ ;-- Patterns directly referenced by the loader -- ;------------------------------------------------ [Hardcoded_InternalLuaState] Pattern=4885C00F85DA000000 Operations=ADD 12, PUSH, READ DWORD, ADD, ADD 4 CachedAddress=5375415376 [Hardcoded_InternalPatchLocation] Pattern=B918190000 Operations=ADD -32 CachedAddress=5369982828 [Hardcoded_SDL_LogOutput()_fprintf] Pattern=488BC84C8BCF Operations=ADD 6 [Hardcoded_WinMainPatchLocation] Pattern=4C8D0C45020000004C8BC3 Operations=ADD -5 CachedAddress=5374370243 [Hardcoded_free] Pattern=743753 Operations=ADD -3 CachedAddress=5374072980 [Hardcoded_malloc] Pattern=4883F9E0 Operations=ADD -9 CachedAddress=5374073044