This is a small collection of fixes and tweaks aimed at an Ascension + Fixpack v10 + SCS v30 install. It should be smart about not letting you install components you don't need, but you should still pay attention. I do not have a copy of BG2 EE so please tell me if any additional issues arise in that version of the game. --- Fix Sunfire Power Levels --- The damage effects on the level 10 version of Sunfire incorrectly have a power level of 3. The primary effect of this is that they will be blocked by a Minor or regular Globe of Invulnerability. The level 11 version also has one of its damage effects set to power level 6. The component fixes both errors. Credit to Alesa_BH for noticing this. --- Enable Spell Immunity in Sequencers/Triggers --- TobEx is intended to allow you to place Spell Immunity into Contingencies and Triggers. However, this functionality is not enabled by default. This component enables it. --- Shield of Reflection works on SCS Flame Arrows --- In vanilla, the Reflection Shield reflects the mage spell Flame Arrow. SCS mages are scripted to act as if this is the case. However, with the "Make Protection from Normal Missiles affect some magical projectiles" component, the Reflection Shield does not actually reflect Flame Arrow. This component re-adds that ability to the Reflection Shield. --- Fix Smarter Abazibal --- In previous versions of Ascension + SCS, when Abazigal turned in to a dragon he would also spawn a purple dragon named Tamah. In SCS v30, Tamah does not appear if you have installed the Smarter Abazigal component. Abazigal also has the wrong script which may make him unreasonably difficult to kill for some parties. This component fixes both glitches. Credit to Mad Mate on the G3 forums for help with this fix. --- Fix Smarter Irenicus at the Throne --- A scripting glitch causes Irenicus to be completely harmless during the opening fight at the Throne of Bhaal if you have the component that adds SCS AI to him. This component fixes this. Credit to Alesia_BH for noticing this and to Aasim for help with this fix. --- Remove Entourage from Ascension Fallen Solars --- In the original Ascension version of the first fight at the Throne of the Bhaal, you must fight two Fallen Solars. As of SCS v25, the Smarter Celesitals Component causes both of these Fallen Solars to additionally spawn with two Mariliths, a Succubus, and an Alu-fiend. While it has not been officially confirmed, there is significant evidence to suggest that these extra demons are unintentional. This component removes them. --- Fix incorrect casting animations --- In the vanilla game, several spells have casting animations that don't match the actual school of the spell. The Fixpack fixes some of these but misses others. This component takes a broad approach and checks each standard mage and priest spell individually. If the casting animation does not match the spell school, the casting animation is changed. This component also fixes a vanilla bug where the spell Conjure Animals is erroneously set as an Enchantment spell. This component may be overkill. It provides of a listing of all the changes it makes so if you don't like some of them, you can uninstall the component. --- Prevent silent prebuffs --- Under certain conditions, SCS smarter mages will silently gain some long duration prebuffs. This component changes this behavior to always display these prebuffs in the combat log. --- Add spell school notifications to the combat log --- By paying attention to the casting animation or by listening to the casting sounds, it is possible to determine the school of the spell a mage or priest is casting. This tweak makes this information clearer by adding a message to the combat log as well. It should be installed after any component that modifies spells and combines well with the component that fixes incorrect casting animations. You can pick the minimum casting speed of spells that you would like this tweak to affect. There are two issues with this tweak: 1) It works by modifying the spells so it applies to your spells as well as enemy spells. 2) It does not take into account the fact that some enemies have innately lower casting times for spells. The intent of this tweak is to not provide you with any information that you didn't already have access to, but this may not always be the case. If there are any spells that are not affected but should be, or should be affected but are not, please let me know. --- Add expiration notifications for buffs --- This component adds periodic reminders to the combat log for when buffs are about to expire. The reminders come when there are 120, 60, 30, 12, and 6 seconds remaining in the buff. I can add other options if there is interest. And again, please let me know if this component affects spells that it shouldn't or if it doesn't affect a spell that it should.