Re: Who do you love?
Which is horrible, IMO. (View Post)3 -
Re: What is your favorite (most played) class in vanilla BG1?
I'm biased towards arcane magic. Though I'm surprised Fighters aren't more common, given that the melee characters sort of rule BG1. (View Post)1 -
Re: Why JRPG fans hate Western RPGs?
That's silly. If you consider how many more words are needed to fully translate japanese that's actually pretty low. Without entering the argument about how many JRPGs these days have plots that can … (View Post)2 -
Re: Mark the area that will be affected by a spell.
If you read this post before I edited it, you should know that it was full of rubbish: I remembered how in Dragon Age: Origins, a game with similar combat (Real time strategy with Pause), I'd target … (View Post)2 -
Re: You know you play Baldur's Gate too much when..
When you press q, all the time. So true... (View Post)1