Re: Intro To This Game Is Bad And Its Creators Should Feel Bad© (SPOILERS
Sadly, minmaxing IRL requires a much higher willpower stat than I possess, in order to follow a good diet, take regular exercise, and sleep well (no late nights gaming!) (View Post)4 -
Re: When did you have begun to play those games?
And rolling back the years, BG was the follow-up to the Eye of the Beholder series, which was in turn the followup to the Gold Box series - oh, the joys of 1st Edition, rendered in EGA... (View Post)3 -
Re: Can you ally with karoug?
I'm not even sure that option would be evil - simply choosing the other pack, the one that is more honest about their nature. (View Post)1 -
Re: When do you rest?
I prefer to rest at inns, and at night, but there is no 'rest till morning' option. When I am overland though, I will almost always trek to a town for rest, unless the whole party is severely deplete… (View Post)4 -
Re: David_Gaider needs a list
Actually, that would be exactly my reason for a family friendly PG-13 rating. R-rated games aimed at angsty teens stop being interesting after reaching a certain age ;) [There may be more customers b… (View Post)1