Stalker Haste and Fatigue
Er... I have searched everywhere and can't find a changelog that confirms this, but is it me or the Stalker's Haste spell is now applying fatigue once its effects wear off? 'Twas not such in the days… (View Post)1 -
Re: Amusing pictures
Also, Cinderella is totally ogling Jasmine's cleavage. (View Post)5 -
Re: You are awakened by baby and must defend yourself...
Why do you poo so much? Maybe you should cut your daily intake of fibre a little. (View Post)4 -
Re: Open Season On Beards (just to allow CaloNord to do some shooting!)
Have you ever realized how phallic Calo Nord's headdress is? To me it seems like a visual pun, a d**khead wearing a... well, d**khead. It just came to me when I saw your avatar. (View Post)1 -
Re: If you could choose a universe from fiction. . .
It is. However it is not included in the list provided for us to vote. (View Post)2