Re: Opinion of Cleric/Rangers
Pure Fighters can use any weapon compared to a Fighter/Druid or Fighter/Cleric. Fighter/Thief and Fighter/Mage means that they can't use Heavy Armor while thieving/casting (though you could swap armo… (View Post)1 -
Re: Who did the creators of BG1 intend you to be?
@Arcalian Those portraits were actually used by the pre-generated characters. (View Post)1 -
I ban all duplicate accounts that I come across. Closing this thread. (View Post)2 -
Re: [Request] PnP bonuses for high INT and WIS scores
Hmm, first time I've heard about this being a bug. There is a Feature request to enhance Wisdom though. (View Post)1 -
Re: BGEE Mod Compatibility Thread
You can actually CLUAConsole a bag of holding into your inventory. (View Post)2