Re: What's with the difficulty..? (Spoiler)
Let us go waaaaay back to Rogue days...and before that, text-based adventures ala Raaka-Tu for the TRS-80... Yeah baby! Yup, I'm old school - hey, I can remember of a time BEFORE Computers and Video … (View Post)6 -
Re: If Gandalf was a specialist mage....
Gandalf as one of the Maiar has spell-like abilities. He does not memorize spells, nor does he have to. One would consider him an Outsider, as a Race. As for why he did not throw magic right and left… (View Post)3 -
Re: If Gandalf was a specialist mage....
Well, I think that Gandalf gets most of his abilities not because of his Class, but because of his Race. He is namely not human, and is in fact Immortal as one of the Maiar.The Wizards of Middle-eart… (View Post)13 -
Re: Maybe the real reason you start in a cage
JJ is annoying in stereo. With both in the party, it is like Dolby Surround Annoying. (View Post)1 -
Re: Dwarven Thrower
That would violate several laws of physics and the entire Multiverse would implode. So you could only use it once. Then game over, man. Game over. (View Post)2