Re: Katana purchase - Candlekeep
Auto-roller seems completely pointless to me... if you're that desperate for good stats, why not just use a save editor like eeKeeper? (View Post)4 -
Re: Using cursed items
I always like the idea of a Necromancer Charname dragging round zombie-Minsc... but I never got around to actually playing it. (View Post)1 -
Re: Best Names for CHARNAME
I once created a particularly aggressive/violent Barbarian called Brekjorlex. Puns > Guns (View Post)8 -
Re: Who Was Your First Character?
First rolled was a Human Ranger called Aragorn... not terribly original. First to finish BG2/ToB was an Undead Hunter named Carthius, using Keldorn's pic. (View Post)7 -
Re: New Infinity Engine RPG by Beamdog?
I hope they call the new engine Infinity Plus One Engine... that would tickle me. (View Post)2