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Just finished my first ever Siege of Dragonspear playthrough! Loved it! The end was made more poignant by the fact that Skie was my 6th NPC in BG1 - she even had the kill on the Demon Knight in Durlag's Tower! Talk about irony...
  • Re: Did you know?

    You know if you Ctrl+Q your familiar into your party (so to speak) you can see how many foes it's killed on the record screen. I'm on Chapter 9 of SoD and Dusty the Mephit has taken down 19 enemies f… (View Post)
  • Re: NPC Analysis

    Alora's wisdom is one of the lowest in the series, only Minsc and Wilson are lower, and Shar-Teel ties. For some reason all the female thieves of BG have low wisdom (but high intelligence.) Imoen has… (View Post)
  • Re: NPC Analysis

    Ajantis is quite a good NPC to start looking at stats with, because he's human, like us, and a simple archetype: the knight errant. His total roll is 88 which is pretty respectable, and he's balanced… (View Post)
  • Names in Torment

    With a protagonist known as “The Nameless One” you might expect that names have a important place in Planescape: Torment’s narrative. You’d be right – everywhere you go, you meet characters with inte… (View Post)
  • Re: Did you know?

    Something from my last playthrough - you get 7500 exp from each of the "furry" Bhaalspawn in the Marching Mountains (Chinchilla, Toop the Brave, et al.) if you let them run away unscathed. … (View Post)