multiplayer doesnt work still after all these years..
tcp/ip and even lan could be fixed to work, even 15 years ago. but w.e these clowns did, they goofed it up xtra special lol. cant seem to get more than 3 ppl in a game for long w.o it crashing.
and so far, the story doesnt seem but more interesting. u put bg2 into bg1, but everything else remains mostly the same.
i shoulda figured after they say its released end of summer, and they drop it back to nov 30TH!! n then 2 days earlier fora premature release, filled wit errors and completly unable to play multiplayer.
if u guys Are TRUE Baldur's Gate fans, takea step back and look at this product they asked money for.
school projects / mods come out better, and thats before going 'public'
pffft sucha dissapointment