Probably too late but I'd bring charisma to 18 and leave wisdom at 4. You can use a potion if you ever need 18 wisdom for Wish. You also get 3 wisdom tomes in BG so that'll make a more palatable 7. He'll be smart but not too sharp on the uptake...
Re: Ironman Play-through
A true 'Ironman' challenge would be no saving at all. I wonder if anybody has done that? How about a no-save, no-sleep run? Or the ultimate... a no save, no sleep, no stimulants run! (View Post)1 -
Re: Beholders Without Shield of Balduran
In truth, if beholders weren't stymied by the engine limitations they would be nigh invincible. Not only do they have all of their different eyestalk rays, they can levitate, which would allow them t… (View Post)1 -
Re: Today was the first time I ...
Makes me wonder if you can pickpocket Neb's head. Now that would be the epitome of pickpocket skills! (View Post)4 -
Re: The Politics Thread
Also sucks if you wind up with long Covid (or even short Covid) because somebody else is an asshole... (View Post)1 -
Re: Unpopular opinions
Bard's not as good to solo though. Those myriad skills come in handy when you're all alone in the world! ? (View Post)1