Re: Icewind Dale Meme & GiF Thread: Enhanced Edition (Careful, everyone, SPOILERS!)
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Re: Planescape: Torment Meme Thread (Here be Spoilers)
Source: kerr1994 (View Post)11 -
Re: Unpopular opinions
@DJKajuru What is this, an actually unpopular opinion in this thread?! @StummvonBordwehr Hey, I already made that joke! ? (View Post)2 -
Re: All you wanted to know about the next Beamdog's project
Hold your horses, everyone, I do believe to remember Beamdog specifically stating that making a mid-quel was basically the only logical option they where able to do with the franchise. Something abou… (View Post)9 -
Re: Forum Game: What Can Change The Nature of a Man?
@Balrog99 The Secret of Monkey Island. (View Post)1