It's time to go back to adventuring.
Re: grand mastery achievement in BGEE is impossible to acquire.
Woops sorry I skipped the middle of the thread. Concerning the PnP rules, it's fine really. Grandmastery is far from overpower and costs a huge investment of time/proficiency points. Dualclass charac… (View Post)3 -
Re: grand mastery achievement in BGEE is impossible to acquire.
Just play a Fighter 7 dual into Druid 9, it's one of the best builds possible in BG1 and you will get your Grandmastery at level 8 when you get your Fighter's abilities back. (View Post)2 -
Re: Don't be aftraid to use triple class characters, even in parties. Especially with SoD on the horizon
That's it, I'll start playing a F/M/C soon! (View Post)4 -
Re: Best possible character build?
Alesia is well known even on this forum, he posts sometimes in the no-reload thread I linked above. I never looked the old Bioware forum as I started to play no-reload with the EE, but I know that @B… (View Post)6 -
Re: Statistical probability of rolling all 18s
What a thread necromancy! Anyway it's not that simple because you do need to take minimums into account. If you just want to calculate the probability of rolling 18 six times then yes, you need to ro… (View Post)5