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grand mastery achievement in BGEE is impossible to acquire.

DurenasDurenas Member Posts: 508
A level 9 fighter is required in order to reach grand mastery. Dual classing a fighter doesn't work, as the game will not allow you to put a pip in a proficiency you have more than 1 pip in(such as from an inactive class with 4 pips).


  • Incantus89Incantus89 Member Posts: 28
    Actually it does work, but you need to trick it abit.... Basically you level a fighter to 7, put 4 pips in a weapon, then you pick either cleric or thief, thief is quicker, then grind out xp untill the thief have enough for level 8 without leveling it up. When you then level up, you will be able to put in that last pip and getting grand mastery.

    Its convuluted as hell, but it works.
  • DurenasDurenas Member Posts: 508

    Actually it does work, but you need to trick it abit.... Basically you level a fighter to 7, put 4 pips in a weapon, then you pick either cleric or thief, thief is quicker, then grind out xp untill the thief have enough for level 8 without leveling it up. When you then level up, you will be able to put in that last pip and getting grand mastery.

    Its convuluted as hell, but it works.

    This doesn't work. I tried it. Started a fighter, leveled to 6, 4 pips in warhammers, dualed to cleric, levelled to 7. Wouldn't let me put my proficiency point into warhammers. I'll try Dee's method.
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  • DurenasDurenas Member Posts: 508
    no, but they get one at 4.
  • DurenasDurenas Member Posts: 508
    Dee said:

    The Black Pits has a higher experience point cap. You should be able to reach grandmastery there.

    I loaded up an old 1.3 save from the black pits, but I didn't get grand mastery from the fighter with 5 pips in longsword. Also the barbarian had 138 hp but got past 150 with rage. Not sure what's going on here. Are achievements disabled again?
  • SikorskySikorsky Member Posts: 402
    I complete BlackPits my Archer had 5 pips in Long Bows and I didn;t get an achievement too.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Sounds like you found a bug! Go ahead and report it.
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  • DurenasDurenas Member Posts: 508

    Amberion said:

    no, but they get one at 4.

    Right but when you are level 4 you technically didn't have 4 pips in hammer, because your fighter levels were still disabled. Maybe the game is reflecting that. Try this:
    - Play a fighter to level 6, get 4 pips in hammer.
    - Dual to cleric, level to 7. Your fighter levels are restored, now you have 4 pips in hammer.
    - Advance to level 8. Now you should be able to get the 5th pip in hammer.
    I attempted what you suggested. Levelling up one level at a a time, level 8 cleric cannot put a 5th pip in hammers.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2016
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  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    sounds like a fix I have long wanted :)

    (mostly, I am bitter at not realizing all these years that Anomen could gain new masteries ;))
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    edited March 2016
    Can the developers confirm if that is an intended behaviour now that after you regain your levels in the first class you can only put pips as your second class demands? Is what @Amberion is experiencing an intended behaviour now?

    If it's so, then it's a huge nerf to dual classed builds.
  • AlexTAlexT Member Posts: 760
    bengoshi said:

    Can the developers confirm if that is an intended behaviour now that after you regain your levels in the first class you can only put pips as your second class demands? Is what @Amberion is experiencing an intended behaviour now?

    If it's so, then it's a huge nerf to dual classed builds.

    Not intended. It's a bug.
  • BazzaBazza Member Posts: 57
    It's a shame that this is seen as a bug by the devs, I quite welcome the nerf and always thought it was a bug that you could carry on adding pips past what was allowed for all the Fighter/[Class] dual classes. Wheres the disagree button @AlexT
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2016
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  • antimatter3009antimatter3009 Member Posts: 24
    Weird that this is viewed as a bug. It strikes me as very similar to the ranger/cleric druid spells thing. Granted, the difference is that the ranger/cleric was getting benefits that neither the ranger nor cleric could get on their own while this issue is only improperly giving benefits of a non-leveling class, but it still has a similar feel. With dual classing already being so overpowered anyway, it would make sense IMO to "fix" this.

    It's not a huge deal, though. This is one of those things that's easy to avoid in your games if you don't like it.
  • HeavylineHeavyline Member Posts: 108
    Is this achievement fixed yet? I did the Black Pits, but didn't get the achievement after getting 5 points for two-handed swords for my Fighter.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    Just play a Fighter 7 dual into Druid 9, it's one of the best builds possible in BG1 and you will get your Grandmastery at level 8 when you get your Fighter's abilities back.
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  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    Woops sorry I skipped the middle of the thread.

    Concerning the PnP rules, it's fine really.

    Grandmastery is far from overpower and costs a huge investment of time/proficiency points.

    Dualclass characters are forced to be Human and to have horrible rolls (minimum of 3 everywhere and a 9 in your starting class (if you're dualing from Fighter/Thief/Cleric like nearly 90% of builds)), then they suffer a long downtime which is very crippling.

    Plus if I remember correctly, you can dual multiple times in PnP to create "triple class dual" which you can't do in BG.

    Finally this nerf would only affects inferior builds, as the strongest dual from Fighter are done at level 9 or 13 which is high enough to get GM in the first place.
    This would only force more players to follow the powergamer's path, not really needed in my opinion.

    Not to mention that the game doesn't follow the exacts rules for many reasons. By the 2e rules multiclass can get GM and kits, imagine how strong this would be.
  • bleusteelbleusteel Member Posts: 523
    @Adul and @Holy_Jalor
    Did the Grandmaster achievement trigger when you assigned the 5th pip or at the end of the game? Any details you could provide would be great!
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    bleusteel wrote: »
    Did the Grandmaster achievement trigger when you assigned the 5th pip or at the end of the game? Any details you could provide would be great!

    I got Grandmaster as soon as I put the 5th point into a weapon and finished the level-up process. It happened in the Black Pits.

    It's also worth noting that the achievement will only trigger for the main character, that is, the character you create in the first slot. I think it's safest if you create the character in the first slot and leave them there until you get the achievement.

    Some players have speculated that one of the recent patches broke this achievement and made it impossible to get, which is also possible.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,425
    edited March 2016
    Gotural wrote: »
    Finally this nerf would only affects inferior builds, as the strongest dual from Fighter are done at level 9 or 13 which is high enough to get GM in the first place.

    That's debatable. Fighter 9 to Cleric or Thief doesn't really offer much that Fighter 7 doesn't. Fighter 7 to Cleric, Druid or Thief receives Grandmaster faster than Fighter 9 does. Fighter 9 does offer an additional weapon pip, a few more hp, and while your second class is leveling, a slightly better THAC0, but one that is eventually overtaken by the second class. One may wonder if it's worth the delay in XP of the second class.

    Fighter 13 provides an additional 0.5 APR, but this causes you to lag 4-5 levels behind on your second class (and thus, HLAs as well). Worth it? Seems doubtful.
  • DurenasDurenas Member Posts: 508
    I have just now attempted to do the same thing I did before, beta v2.0.61.0 steam version. Level 6 Fighter dualed to Cleric, leveled to level 8. Levelling from 7 to 8 I was unable to put a fifth point into warhammers. So this bug is still present.
  • gugulug5000gugulug5000 Member Posts: 248
    I just tried to get this achievement in BGII, and it appears to be glitched as well.
  • FrecheFreche Member Posts: 473
    What most people seems to forget is this topic from @subtledoctor and this response by @Dee

    You need lvl 9 for Grand Mastery
    I tried it with a Fighter (3) dualed to Thief (9) but didn't get the achievement even with 5 points in long swords
  • 00zim0000zim00 Member Posts: 267
    Adul wrote: »
    Some players have speculated that one of the recent patches broke this achievement and made it impossible to get, which is also possible.

    This seems to be the case. As @gugulug5000 said he cant get it in BG2 but I got that ages ago when the first patches came out. But I cant get it in BG1 when trying that recently.

  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,425
    edited March 2016
    I haven'tr tried this personally, but what you could try:

    - Start as a Human Fighter with enough ability scores to Dualclass to Druid, and two pips in a weapon proficiency that's available to Druids, such as Clubs.

    - Level your Human Fighter up to level 6 or 7 (either works), placing two more pips in the chosen weapon proficiency.

    - Dualclass to Druid, and level it up to level 7. Once you have enough experience to reach level 8, do NOT level up to 8. Instead, stay at level 7, until you have 90 000 XP as a Druid.

    - When you level up with 90 000 XP or more, it should instantly make you level 9, thereby allowing you to place a fifth pip in the chosen weapon.

    You could also do this with Fighter -> Thief, but you must keep your Fighter at level 6, as you need 110 000 XP to reach level 9 Thief.
  • 00zim0000zim00 Member Posts: 267
    edited March 2016
    I have leveled to max every fighter and kit to max level with 5 pips in the black pits in BG1 and still didn't get it. I also tried putting the 5 pips in each individual weapon type one by one to see if it was just certain weapons. Still no luck. Yes I used the cheats to test this but it has been said by Dee that cheats wont turn off the achievements.

    Also there is a redmine ticket confirmed by the devs that is for this achievement not working soo it seems if it was working but isnt now :/
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