Re: Sandrah Saga For EET
I wonder if anyone tried that? Most likely would not help, though. She would either have immunity to petrification, or would ... charm the basilisk. (View Post)Post edited by Mirandel on2 -
Re: Sandrah Saga For EET
Huge thanks for doing it! Your PT is a very definition of "taking one for the community". (View Post)3 -
Re: Baldur's Gate III released into Early Access
They can not exactly tell "the scope of the task was enormous and we tried to cut the corners using our old tested games with a few DnD rules added on top", can they? It is also not a lie, … (View Post)3 -
Re: Baldur's Gate III released into Early Access
Probably should not interfere, sorry, but just that one particular thing: "So they should have just made D:OS3. But they chose to make a D&D game. Then it should be a D&D game." If … (View Post)4 -
Re: Baldur's Gate III released into Early Access
Just to be clear: Solasta, afaik, has an official DnD 5.1 license from WotC. Can not say why WotC does not count that (very) interesting game as their DnD game, but it is as DnD as cRPG can get. (View Post)3