Re: Could I ask for some party building advice for some fun banters/interactions? (possible spoilers)
Jan with anyone. He is the only indispensable member in this saga. Might replace him with Hexxat once though for a play-through. (View Post)1 -
Re: Banter in the middle of combat
Yeah, usually between Ano and Jaheira just as one of them are casting a spell. These two loves to nip at each other. (View Post)2 -
Re: How to defeat Dragomir?
Ano or Minsc with Mace of Disruption should make short work of him. I'm wondering if my game is bugged as even Kangaxx has taken two whacks from Ano at most before dying time and time again. (View Post)3 -
Re: The Ultimate BRO team
Hehehe. Jan must be in if only for that story about Keldorn's mum and a flesh golem plus he is a great thief/illusionist. And comeon he is hilarious around Ano as well. You complained about Edwin and… (View Post)1 -
Re: best party combo and # of members?
I personally like a buffer or two as a priest or cleric. The tandem of mages is good in case something goes awry with my plan or somethin else fails, the brace of fighters is a must though I must adm… (View Post)1