Re: Bug on iOS
You need to find another part of the lich. You need his body (View Post)1 -
Re: How do solo thieves deal with level drain from vampires?
I wonder why no one mentioned scrolls of protection from undead. I know you won’t be able to trigger some dialogue, but you can kill everything you can, sleep , trigger dialogue, make yourself invisi… (View Post)1 -
Re: Guida alla creazione di uno Stregone [INFO]
Gli scheletri però sono resistenti al magico, magari è per quello. In ogni caso direi che spruzzo colorato è un incantesimo orribile e inutile! (View Post)1 -
Re: [HOW TO] Install mods on iOS devices (NO Jailbreak)
Right after the ogre mage you usually find goblins. If you find duergar SCS installed correctly (View Post)1 -
Re: What would you have done ?
I would have done the same things you did! (View Post)2