Re: There will be a twitch session with Trent and Phillip on Thursday, April, 21
IMHO, I seriously hope this doesn't become an hour long debate whether or not a transgender character may or may not be included in the game or the developers' posts / interview. I know these topics … (View Post)6 -
Re: Has the controversy made you more hesitant towards buying Siege of Dragonspear?
I just want to add a couple of lines to this discussion. I 100% agree with @SionIV in the quote above. The biggest problem to me, and that has not been dealt with IMO in all of this controversy, is r… (View Post)3 -
Re: How to ruin "Baldur's Gate"
I base my comment on this comment from beamdog: "“If there was something for the original Baldur’s Gate that just doesn’t mesh for modern day gamers like the sexism, [we tried to address that],”… (View Post)5 -
Re: How to ruin "Baldur's Gate"
Trans character for me is a wasted opportunity by beamdog to put an interesting quest and character development, to ultimately have something interesting and thought provoking. It could have been don… (View Post)5 -
Re: Whoever wrote this (Philip Daigle) seems to be the problem
I just want to say a few things: First of all, as TrentOster posted - the game is a group effort. So let's say "Beamdog" and not point at anyone in particular. Amber has a boss (at least Tr… (View Post)2