If only I wasn't a scrub that bought the games from Beamdog directly :'(
Oh well. Glad to hear the 2.6 patch is finally happening at least.
Re: October 12 Livestream Recap
This/these new voiceset(s) I'll probably get. The whoever streamers weren't of any interest, especially since they're spesific characters, but the Beamdog crew is a different story. (View Post)1 -
Re: Beamdog's PAX Panel
"hooray. Another 2WW game. Just what we needed." However, I wouldn't be opposed to it as Beamdog needs to release things, patches don't bring in money after all. Anything that helps economi… (View Post)4 -
Re: Beamdog announces the Dice, Camera, Action! Enhanced Edition voice and portrait pack
Eh. Like I said on the stream, to me these are just some random people on the internet. I'm sure it's good news for fans of these... p&p streamers?..., but surely the target demographic for the E… (View Post)2 -
Re: Neverwinter Nights: Darkness Over Daggerford Is Now Available!
Actual new content? That's great news! And also a reason for me to finally get NN:EE; not today, but definitely soon! (View Post)2 -
Re: [Kickstarter] Black Geyser: Couriers of Darkness - Austrian isometric RTwP CRPG [Funded]
Modding potentially adds longevity and community to the game, so it was a wise initial goal I think. Will be interesting to see whether they hit the additional race too. (View Post)2