Neverwinter Nights: Darkness Over Daggerford Is Now Available!

Beamdog presents: Neverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford! A classic DnD adventure, developed and enhanced with new voice over and nearly 500 gameplay improvements by Ossian Studios.
Enjoy a 25+ journey in the Forgotten Realms, venturing through the Sword Coast as you build your own stronghold!
Enjoy a 25+ journey in the Forgotten Realms, venturing through the Sword Coast as you build your own stronghold!
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
Well done guys^^
So if you bought before Digital Deluxe version (and if you buy it now on Beamdog for example, you do not get DoD.
If I could, I'd buy a copy of each game for everyone in the world.
Keep Beamdogging, you guys. I love everything you guys and gals do and what you're all about.
Your BFF (Biggest Fan Forever),
PS - If you need me to James Bond my way into some secret lair somewhere to uncover the source code for Icewind Dale 2, you need only say the word.
PSS - Seriously, I'm all for it. Just point me in a direction and I'll jump.
You MAAE (Most Anxious Agent Ever),
Me, again
Edit: Sorry, was kinda grumpy. Admittedly, I knew there would be new modules I wouldn't own. It's just rough paying that much for it and then seeing the pricetag on this, even on sale, for something I could get the old version for free. I mean this more as feedback than being a grumpy, entitled jerk about it lol. And now I see it is part of the Digital Deluxe version on Steam but I already own that from you guys and still have to pay the extra for the new module
Is there any chance the key will be on our account sometime soon (for the Digital Deluxe owners)?
What is misleading on the Steam is that they are selling now Digital Deluxe BUNDLE which is not the same as Digital Deluxe version of the game.
As follows from the change log (linked by Doubledimas), the number of unique changes in the enhanced version of Darkness over Daggerford is actually closer to 1000, and they mean only DoD changes, not general NWN:EE engine changes.
BTW: Beamdog even makes the game playable for tablets. It so cruel to take away all my non existing sparetime... where will I find the time?
Have you seen the change log for the enhanced version of Darkness over Daggerford?
We support Ossian Studios and want them to do well as they never got to make money from Darkness over Daggerford originally. Buying the enhanced edition of Darkness over Daggerford helps to support Ossian Studios’ goal of bringing you more great D&D adventures.