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  • Re: Gay Romance

    I just want to say to this, as you have said that no one has yet addressed this (which I actually have) I would just like to say that this argument is silly and also a small bit offensive... Firstly,… (View Post)
  • Re: Gay Romance

    Saying "I'm not interested" DOES switch it off, what's the point of having to change a personality and dialogue scripts when the script is already there. Not only that but if all of the rom… (View Post)
  • Re: Gay Romance

    Okay... Firstly, Baldur's Gate is rated T for teen. Not only that, but if parents don't want their kids playing this, that is THEIR responsibility to monitor the children. There are much more harmful… (View Post)
  • Re: Gay Romance

    @Quartz it really didn't look like @Insert_Boo had responded to any prior post about religion whatsoever. All he is doing is marking his own ideologies about this thread and personal experience, whic… (View Post)
  • Re: new Canon team?

    Honestly... Defeating Sarevok, which every NPC joins to help you do anyways, is enough reason for party members to part ways IMO. Why stay with a PC when it isn't really profitable anymore in the sen… (View Post)