Re: Drow, for and against.
I don't think sub races and new races (such as Aasimar and Tiefling) would be that big of an issue. The subrace problem isn't the biggest problem with drow being implemented into the game. It's the e… (View Post)1 -
Re: Add sub-races
If Tieflings and Aasimar get added in, I think I would just have a ball being retarded with the subraces (View Post)1 -
Re: How do you choose your partymembers?
I personally like using all the characters, I like all the different personalities, and all the dialogue and quests. Everything kind of just fits together into a nice story kind of and everytime I en… (View Post)5 -
Re: Favorite *minor* NPCs?
There's quite a few for me, Mr. Shade was already mentioned in here, but I have to just say, his verbal ping pong really got me! loved the hell out of it. In SoD, the bear in Adoy's enclave made me g… (View Post)3 -
Re: 3
Glint didn't do much, but i DID drop him half way through and maybe i didn't wait around long enough to see anything interesting about him. Corwin's character was super boring with her uptight follow… (View Post)2