maxed Ranged weapon damage analysis (dart , dagger, axe, hammer)
Comparing With grandmastery: +5 damage +1apr (no gaunlets) and best weapon available) Dart (crimson) 1d3+3 (no str) 5 attacks per round = 5 (avg dmg)+5 (grandmastery)=10 x5 =50dpr (guantlets of extra… (View Post)2 -
Re: Meet Belkar Bitterleaf, Sexy Shoeless God of War
With EE keeper you can get yourself an evil ranger hafling. You cant put lvls in barbarian, but you could put the rage ability on him as well. Check the order of the stick website for mor information… (View Post)3 -
Re: Please, don't make Baldur's Gate 3
The devs comments make me think that maybe a BG3 isnt possible. Even if Overhaul-Beamdog is ready for the challenge , the tempation for making it "easily accessible" ,"play it in ps4 a… (View Post)3 -
Re: How would you play TOB without HLA?
That can also be considered a high level ability :p (View Post)4 -
Re: Skald builds/stats/recommendations
mislead cant do anything (cast or attack)... or so it would seem like, but in fact, you can click on the bard song on it... that way, your bard can do stuff while the mislead gives all the team the b… (View Post)2