Re: Suggestions Thread: Game Mechanics (scripts, spells, feats, combat)
So i think it would be really good to have Throwing Weapons (Darts, Throwing Axes, etc) be Dual Wieldable, it's logical as you throw them with one hand that someone is skilled enough to throw two wea… (View Post)3 -
Re: Passwords on Multiplayer games
saying this though people could just untick the listen to join requests option in the permissions for the lobby and it removes their game from the list entirely yet no one seems to make use of this a… (View Post)1 -
Re: When is the BG2ee 1.3 patch coming out?
no need to insult me, it was an honest question, so maybe next time you could reply with a bit of common courtesy rather than coming across like a complete muppet. (View Post)7 -
Re: BG1 doesn't launch
@EnterHaerDalis sooo just to clarify your BG:EE is working and this isn't an issue, so wouldn't it be more appropriate to have titled the thread something like "if your BG1 isn't launching try … (View Post)1 -
Re: [MOD][BETA] Tome and Blood: More Options for Wizards and Sorcerers
go for it.. why not aye? I don't think i've ever really played any of the specialists... conjurer once or twice but nothing else but even then i'm just as happy playing mage and or sorc. specialists … (View Post)1