Re: hey guys, im having problems connecting to friends via steam can anyone help ?
@AlanLFC5x no problem happy to help.. the fact you are both able to join other peoples games but not each others does reinforce my thoughts that it is in fact either a port issue or a firewall issue.… (View Post)2 -
Re: hey guys, im having problems connecting to friends via steam can anyone help ?
@AlanLFC5x might need a little more information. I assume what your asking is "having problems when trying to connect to a multiplayer with my friends on steam" which is to say you've got B… (View Post)1 -
Re: When is the BG2ee 1.3 patch coming out?
no need to insult me, it was an honest question, so maybe next time you could reply with a bit of common courtesy rather than coming across like a complete muppet. (View Post)7 -
Re: Revisiting mod, need a small amount of help on dialogue fires
@Xavioria it might be a good idea to post a link to the thread for your mod so others can download it, or edit the old thread to contain the information for this thread, as they're both related to t… (View Post)1