Re: NWN EE versus NWN2
Perhaps it's posting on the Codex that makes people obnoxious? (View Post)1 -
Re: Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition zapowiedziane!
Trochę mnie dziwią i smucą takie opinie. O NWN można różne rzeczy powiedzieć, ale przeciętność, biorąc pod uwagę fakt, że nie powstała jeszcze gra wypełniająca tę samą niszę, jest ostatnią jej cechą.… (View Post)1 -
Re: Need for SetUncappedAbilityBonus() and similar functions
So, could we get these functions at least as a card on Trello? :) (View Post)1 -
Suggestion: support for custom weapon visuals
The NWN Client Extender (or NWNCX) for NWN 1.69 had a cool feature that allowed custom weapon visuals to be displayed. The Amethyst Dragon has made a splendid use of that feature to include new weapo… (View Post)3 -
Re: Will there be a discount for NWNEE?
I think I'm just one of many people who are waiting in anticipation for the GOG release. (View Post)1