Re: Dynamic paper doll change based on armor?
An ingame option to set your paperdoll, just like colours and other customization, would be great. (View Post)3 -
Re: Helmet of Opposite Alignment
@Scofield Why not just turn the alignments of the whole rest of the party, much more fun that way :D (View Post)2 -
Re: #10475 [All] Imported characters should not lose custom biographies
The .bio files do in fact contain the proper biographies. They just aren't being shown in-game, as per the report. (View Post)1 -
Re: #10475 [All] Imported characters should not lose custom biographies
I created five characters in a game, exported them, then imported them into a new game while creating an additional sixth character. The new sixth character has a correct biography, the other five ha… (View Post)1 -
Re: Icewind Dale Character Creation Tips
Thieves should definitely be dualled/multiclassed. However, I disagree on clerics. Of course, they won't be absolute powermachines when single-classed, but I find it very useful that they level consi… (View Post)5