Re: Quayle's starting spells... Spoiler
I'm using him in my main party right now, because I like that blend of magic user... and i find mage spells more useful than priest ones so IMO, it's fine that his wisdom is low (although i would pre… (View Post)1 -
Cleric/Theif replace turn undead with theiving icon
I know this is perhaps really silly, but I think that most people (myself included) would use the theiving skills more than turning undead, and perhaps it would be best if the theiving icon and the t… (View Post)7 -
Re: We need to know before launch if the new followers are racist
Um... Wow? How has this discussion evolved into what it is? I'm GUESSING the question was asked so that we could know which races we could play and still enjoy the romance. I'm guessing its no shorti… (View Post)2 -
Re: Dorn redemption?
I don't understand the need for "redeeming" all the evil NPCs. Really though, as if good = normal and evil = abnormal. Where is all the good to evil people? (View Post)2 -
Re: SPOILER: The mother of our hero...
Well another inconsistency is the fact that IF Gorion new about your mother and had her as a lover, then Solar's twist of fate would have made no sense. Gorion would choose his lover's child, therefo… (View Post)2