Voces en español?
Aparte de todo el lio del dialogo, sabemos si habra la opcion de tener las voces en español? (View Post)1 -
Re: Multi- and Dual-class kits (THE POLL)
I'm all for adding customization. Even if the suggested feature is not in the game, I'd love for that to be accesible for modders. (View Post)1 -
Re: Habemus traducción
Puff, viendo el panorama, Me pregunto si hasta seria mejor volver a empezar desde cero. (View Post)1 -
Re: Rework or remove the Wild Mage surges that lead to instant quicksave reload
Probably Sex change and gold destruction. (If the sex change can't be reversed, can it? never actually played the wild mage.) The rest? Not really "inmediate reload" (View Post)1 -
Re: More Easter Eggs/Secrets
That's not the point, there is a sex change surge. the easter egg would be the shifting portrait into a male version. Probably a couple of banters would be nice too. (View Post)1