Re: Beamdog Support is moving to Service Desk
Umm... it's pretty much the opposite of that. They've been working on stuff for NWN:EE continuously since the beginning giving it improvements. The reason it doesn't appear as "enhanced" as… (View Post)4 -
Age of Empires Online Celeste Fan Project just released Romans
When the original servers were shut down at the demise of GFWL, Microsoft had already announced Romans were coming. Now the Celeste Fan Project has released Romans (their own making) with a rich camp… (View Post)1 -
Re: Spelljammer: Pirates of Realmspace
Ebay, but it's pricey. (View Post)1 -
Re: Games for free
Free games with Amazon Prime subscription: Yooka Laylee, Close to the Sun, Turmoil, Sigma Theory: Global Cold War, Wizard of Legend, HyperDot, Lost Horizon, and The Spectrum Retreat (View Post)3 -
Re: Games for free
Free game with Amazon Prime: Ironcast (View Post)2