Age of Empires Online Celeste Fan Project just released Romans

When the original servers were shut down at the demise of GFWL, Microsoft had already announced Romans were coming. Now the Celeste Fan Project has released Romans (their own making) with a rich campaign starting at level 1 (some civs start at 20) and a level 40 (end game) pack playable by all civilizations.
They have added other content as well (mostly end game content), and plan to continue to add to the game. The developers are well known in the AoE community (several are even moderators on the official Discord).
Since they aren't permitted to earn money, everything is free. All playable content is free to everyone from the beginning. The game was free to play with a premium currency, Empire Points, but that is now only for things like storage space, cosmetics, and chests and cannot be purchased with real money.
They have added other content as well (mostly end game content), and plan to continue to add to the game. The developers are well known in the AoE community (several are even moderators on the official Discord).
Since they aren't permitted to earn money, everything is free. All playable content is free to everyone from the beginning. The game was free to play with a premium currency, Empire Points, but that is now only for things like storage space, cosmetics, and chests and cannot be purchased with real money.