Re: Tenya Thermidor v1.5 (View Post)1 -
Re: Using Dace and Fade in current BG2EE Beta
Dace Check that C:GetGlobal("T#DaceJoined","GLOBAL") is 1 while she is in the party, otherwise set it to 1 before you kick her out. Fade No idea. Is she even compatible? (View Post)1 -
Re: Just can't enjoy Siege
@Kusel I'm pretty sure you read the same discussion some times back about that idea. It's the plot line for the Cealar Return mod discussed at G3. If you played that alternative it would give you the… (View Post)1 -
Re: Share your New Playthrough Resolutions: In my next playthrough I solemnly swear to...
Be a REAL man - play a paladin AND romance Aerie (View Post)5 -
Re: Just can't enjoy Siege
The link's dead. There was a test version and a readme explaining the context and story planned. It was removed before I could test it, it was Spellhold not G3. Looks like all that's left of it are m… (View Post)Post edited by verlaine on1