BG1:EE - Aktuální čeština
Verze češtiny: Patch 2.6 Čeština vydána: 17.10.2021 https://workupload.com/file/UTnkjU8B7Nb Vytvořte si ve složce "lang", složku "cs_CZ" a češtinu nakopírujte zde. L_cs_CZ.lua pat… (View Post)8 -
Re: IWD:EE - Aktuální čeština
@Mirak Samozřejmě že se to rozlezlo, romance ti ukazují hlubší emoce postav, takže se ti více odhaluje její osobnost a charakter. Co by jsi věděl o Viconii, kdyby neměla romanci? Prakticky nic. Dobř… (View Post)1 -
Re: How Dual Wielding Broke the Game
@Schneidend Dual-Class, and Muti-Class mages are strong only on high levels. In IWD where you start on lvl 1, are these do-it-all-solo god characters rather a nuisance. (View Post)1 -
Re: How Dual Wielding Broke the Game
"If you do not like it, dont do/use/play it." No offense, but this is the most pathetic way to try to defend a poorly balanced game. Something like that can be use when it comes to options,… (View Post)Post edited by Edvin on2 -
Re: How Dual Wielding Broke the Game
This is a very good reminder. Some of kits from BG:EE will not work well in IWN. ( I can think of more cases than Dwarven Defender. ) They will have to nerf kits or weapons. Current kits absolutely d… (View Post)5