Re: Need help with item containers inventory
Something like this should work for ya. Tested it a bit. Recommend doing your own test as well. I don't want to delete all your players stuff. :D void main() { object oPC = GetEnteringObject(); objec… (View Post)1 -
Re: Custom loot - too ambitious?
This is kind of a crude skeleton of something that could work for you. You can alter percentages and sections to meet each categories needs. void main() { object oPC = GetLastKiller();//or whatever s… (View Post)2 -
Re: Suggestions Thread: Structural (file formats, references, "hardcodedness", configuration)
Oooh. NWN"X". I didn't see the X when I read @WilliamDraco reply. I still don't use NWNX. Glad to know though in case I go that route. It's been a long time since I've messed with it. (View Post)1 -
Re: Console Collector's Packs
The only EE versions I own are NWN and BG and can already play them on big screen via steam link or just having a big monitor. This would have been awesome it were available on PC as I would have a c… (View Post)1 -
Re: The New Emote animations card discussion
Mining, smithing/hammering, chop tree/chop wood, fishing, tanning, instrument playing (lute, drum, piano, violin), swimming, flying, floating. Maybe these are just animations and not necessarily &quo… (View Post)1