Re: Problem with GetObjectVisualTransform
Well just figured I'd share what I did with the function so far just messing around with it. int iInt; void Locomotion(object oObject, int iTransAxis, floa… (View Post)6 -
Re: Persistent Journal Entries
Well I wouldn't say always. There may be specific instances where one might want to do something where they are not linked. The point being it can be easier to manage when character specific variable… (View Post)1 -
Re: Lilac Soul's NWN Script Generator
Lilac's will still work for NWN:EE, it will just be missing the newest functions that Beamdog adds so over time it will become less useful but still be useable. That in mind, if anyone does make an u… (View Post)1 -
Re: Do we still have to build/script the way we used to?
I was hoping to start one with this thread. (View Post)1 -
Re: HELP! One step away from my goal but I'm lilacsoul dependant!
Oh right. Forgot about the TagBased check thing at the beginning. Just under and just above the void main add a couple lines: #inlcude "x2_inc_switches" void main() { int iEvent = GetUserDe… (View Post)1