I've actually never messed with all of ToTSC in previous runs, opting to finish the game and export my character into BGII. But I'm doing a complete run through BG1:EE to get my character ready for II:EE.
So this Aec'Letec... Omg, this guy...
I just want to see what opinions and strats people used for this encounter.
The main issue I have is the super cheesy death-gaze-your-whole-party thing. I play core rules, so unless I purposely kill one of my own, they soon become gibbed out of existence. I haven't tried everything yet, but so far, a couple dispel attempts hasn't cleared the dying status yet.
As far as strats go, I tend to shy away from any meta gaming, but due to the sheer cheese in this encounter, there is no other way. The way I am justifying pre-buffing the party for this encounter is for one, you are warned in advance to the possiblity of running into a powerful demon, and two, my charname is a bard so he would know of tales of such beasts, knowing what to prepare for etc... So far the best run of him has gotten me 2 dead party members that I've had to kill myself in order to keep them from gibbing.
Ok, so does Death Ward work? Viconia can only memorize three of them, and kinda pointless not having it on everyone anyways. When I get back at it, I'm going to see what free action pots and protect evil 10' radius gets me. Lol.
I'll be back with updates!
So this Aec'Letec... Omg, this guy...
I just want to see what opinions and strats people used for this encounter.
The main issue I have is the super cheesy death-gaze-your-whole-party thing. I play core rules, so unless I purposely kill one of my own, they soon become gibbed out of existence. I haven't tried everything yet, but so far, a couple dispel attempts hasn't cleared the dying status yet.
As far as strats go, I tend to shy away from any meta gaming, but due to the sheer cheese in this encounter, there is no other way. The way I am justifying pre-buffing the party for this encounter is for one, you are warned in advance to the possiblity of running into a powerful demon, and two, my charname is a bard so he would know of tales of such beasts, knowing what to prepare for etc... So far the best run of him has gotten me 2 dead party members that I've had to kill myself in order to keep them from gibbing.
Ok, so does Death Ward work? Viconia can only memorize three of them, and kinda pointless not having it on everyone anyways. When I get back at it, I'm going to see what free action pots and protect evil 10' radius gets me. Lol.
I'll be back with updates!
I'm not sure if Death Ward works against his gaze attack, though.
As for strategy. Have one character 'tank' him, basically keep him distracted while you kill all the cultists (trust me you want to do this: if you don't want to meta-game, then leave a few alive and find out why you didn't want to do that). I usually take him out with some tactical backstabs. I hit him for 150 damage with one once (21 buffed Str, 4x backstab with Aule's Staff and Quartstaff grand mastery =P).
Generally, always kill the cultists first. You may want to distract Aec'Letec himself with a few summons to keep your party in one piece.
one or two of these potions of magic blocking on one or tanks to occupy dec, everyone else killing the mage and then the cultists
Fair-use'd directly from the journal:
Inside of Durlag's Tower I encountered a ghoul of great power named
Grael. He offered a warning about something called a tanar'ri, and the
horrible "death-gaze" it wields. A "gaze that is not a gaze." It sounds
more insidious than eventhe gaze of the basilisk. I wonder if the
traditional precautions will even function against it? I shall keep this in
mind, though I doubt I will meet such a creature. It has been ages since
Grael's battle took place.
I went with the level 1 arcane spell myself, and didn't experience any discomfiture, though, could have been lucky with saving throws, however, you never know.
Unless you do.
Then you do know.
Anyway strategy wise, I tried to kill his minions asap by nuking the room with fireballs and arrows of detonation, and then engaged Aec in combat with Minsc, Khalid and Charname, all pumped up on potions.
Like I said, it's a fairly inelegant solution, but so is Aec'Letec's death gaze, so I feel no guiltier than he should: and at least my tactic worked.
you can then clean up in what ever way you feel is best
this is the tactic i've always used for him
Several more strategies. I actually kill the cultists with a hide in shadows missile character before attacking Aec Lectec.
I'd recommend potions of freedom and rings of free action to block the paralyzing attacks.
I'd keep several protection from magic scrolls handy. Have the death-gazed characters read these in emergencies. Also, have Dispel Magic memorized on any magic-using characters. This can remove Death Gaze, if I'm not mistaken.
1) Can't stealth in and pick off cultists without alerting the cult leader--- who promptly starts her conversation and summons Aec'Letec.
2) Dispel Magic does NOT remove "Dying" effect.
3) After killing your transformed party member they leave behind a body you can haul to the nearest temple for a "Raise Dead" spell.
Although that can potentially lead to the slight glitch where he then takes over all the cultists at the same time (assuming you didn't kill them first) and you end up with a dozen demons running around at the same time.
I will check on Dispel Magic vs. Death effect tonight. I think the efficacy of Dispel Magic is based upon your caster level, so it is an ineffective way of removing Deathgaze (unless you're an Inquisitor).
There are no rules in war!
Well I looked more closely at Potion of Mirrored Eyes, and indeed it says specifically that it protects from any gaze attacks. But the level one arcane spell only says protection from petrification, so I ended up not using it, even if it does work I don't think it's intended.
I did notice that wands of paralysation worked well sometimes, but I've also had runs where I've discharged 2 complete wands on him to no avail.
Ok, so this is how my epic battle with Aec'Letec unfolded:
I didn't have any potions of mirrored eyes on me, but luckily the merchant in the tavern sold 4 of them, so that took care of 4 of my party. Dorn kept a potion of magic shielding on hand, and Kagain had a death save of 1... so he was good to go without any potion.
Before we climbed down the stairs to confront the cult leader, we prepared for a possible battle with a terrible demon. Viconia cast protection from evil, and everyone drank a potion of freedom, just in case. Most of the group had potions of mirrored eyes at the ready if needed.
Once down the stairs, our worst fears came to pass as we saw the demon summoned before us. Instantly we drank our potions and readied ourselves for battle. Kagain read a scroll of magic protection and charged headlong onto the demon, while the rest of the group made quick work of the cult leader but not before she got a silence spell off on all the casters to our dismay. Charname had a cloudkill scroll ready, but unable to use, resorted to firing his crossbow at the cultists with the rest of the group.
One by one the cultists fell to Xzar and Charname's fireball wands, all the while Kagain valiantly dancing with the demon. Thanks to his scroll of magic protection, he was able to take a much needed sip from Durlag's Goblet without fear, freeing up Charname from singing. When the last cultist fell, the demon had already sustained significant wounds from his bout with Kagain, and by the time Dorn came up behind the demon, it took only one swing with the mighty Spider's Bane to banish the demon from our plane!
What a fun little fight
Thanks again everyone for your wisdom
I fought him for the first time (never played the original Baldur's Gate). He wasnt that bad. I had a cavalier charge down stair to see what is going on. I killed the female cultist and went straight for the demon. I knew it was fishy that the other male cultists just stood there and didnt do anything. Regardless, I fought the demon at opposite of the stair and brought my party of archers down. After I killed the demon, one of the cultist polymorphed into another demon.
Once I saw through this trick, I reloaded (my cavalier had 1/4 hp left). This time, I just parked my cavalier at the corner while the rest of the party killed the decoys. When all the decoys were dead, I went on to slay the demon. I was super excited when the sweet and adorable Alora made the final kill. Boy, I was surprised in the immediate aftermath. I never knew in my BG playing life that there is this nasty "dying" status. Imoen got chunked and turned into a Ghast! NO!! I overrided my save too (I only quick and auto save).
Well, I guess a little cheating here wont hurt. Cltr+R and Imoen is given a second life. In the future, I just need to have full protections on my party.
Edit: Nevermind. My autosave was at the entrance of the village. I just had to kill those cult guards again.