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Visible APR/ROF in-game for ranged weapons

SedSed Member Posts: 790
Currently there is no information in-game regarding base APR/ROF of ranged weapons, making it somewhat hard for new (and old) players to judge the (dis)advantages of a certain ranged weapon.
The information is in the manuals, but most people won't dive into a manual cover to cover.

For melee weapon this isn't an issue, as all melee weapons have a base APR of 1 unless otherwise stated.

For ranged this looks as the following:
Bows: 2
Crossbow: 1
Sling: 1
Dart: 3

Yet this information is only available once you equipped a weapon.
I would like to see this additional information either in the weapon descriptions or in the proficiency descriptions (or both). In the proficiency part this could be more outlined as descriptive text like: "The crossbow fires less rounds than a normal bow, but with additional damage"
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