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In need of a good ranger portrait :-/

Hey all,

Just started playing a bit to see the enhancements. I've been aiming at playing a Ranger, and had been hoping some of the new portraits would offer me what I need. Sadly, the selection is pretty bare bones. So I'm hoping some fellow fans can get me a portrait I can use.

What I'm looking for is a good portrait for a male ranger. Preferably with brown hair, and at least some facial scruff, if not a beard. I've looked for the last few hours but couldn't find anything that suited. Can anyone lend me a hand here? I'd greatly appreciate it.


  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    This is the one I'm using for a ranger / archer, dont know if you will like it:


    I havnt cropped / resized it to BGEE portrait sizes yet though.
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    edited November 2012
    Jeremy, by PeachPlums

    Rey, by Ftg386

    Smexy Assassin, by Ftg386

    From Deviant Art. I accord all rights to artists. I claim no credit for these works. If wished removed, contact me at gustavoheudebert ===a=t=== gmail dottie commie

    Ugh, took me a few tries to get the img posting right. Those are all really good. None of them is exactly what you're looking for, but they are all at least scruffy.
  • ReddayeReddaye Member Posts: 2
    Thanks folks, but I actually managed to find one I'm happy with. Its not perfect, but it will do.

    Can't link it sadly because I'm on my phone.

    Thanks again!
  • PaladinPaladin Member Posts: 335
    I really like Rey, by Ftg386.
  • ReddayeReddaye Member Posts: 2
    Paladin said:

    I really like Rey, by Ftg386.

    I'm liking him as well, for a Paladin I've been looking to roll. For the life of me I can't get that pic to display in game though :-(

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