Road to v1.3 (Survey and Discussion)

Welcome to the Road to 1.3, Beamdog's official preview event for the 1.3 patch for Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. Our gorgeous release notes document is attached to the bottom of this post; be sure to peruse its thirty-seven pages of patchy goodness to see what's in store with 1.3!
If you already have the BGII:EE Beta, all you need to do is update the build and start playing. If you don't have access yet, just follow the instructions HERE and we'll get you set up.
Once you have installed and experienced the Beta, please take a moment to fill out this survey rating a number of the patch's improvements: Answer our Survey!
If you already have the BGII:EE Beta, all you need to do is update the build and start playing. If you don't have access yet, just follow the instructions HERE and we'll get you set up.
Once you have installed and experienced the Beta, please take a moment to fill out this survey rating a number of the patch's improvements: Answer our Survey!
Download the Release Notes

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The dream of a BG2EE with 0 bugs is getting closer and closer.
As the proverb says, all things come to those who wait.
Hamsters and gamers everywhere, rejoice!
Level Drain not clearing spell memorizations is a great improvement. This was one of the most annoying things in SoA, and not in a good way - Level Drain is enough of a punishment in itself. It doesn't need to be incredibly annoying just to be effective.
Quick loot item stacking is awesome, although I'm still very much craving a quick loot key bind option for it to become an even more useful feature.
I have only one criticism, and it's the new "feature" that disables NPC banters by default in multiplayer. I don't think it's a good idea to disable one of the strongest features of the game in either the single- or multiplayer game mode. This is one of those things that I'll have to keep at the back of my mind and remember to make sure it's disabled in the ini file for the host, who might not be me whenever I'm about to play a multiplayer game with friends. This is a remarkably bad decision for Baldur's Gate, in my opinion. Please consider disabling this new option by default.
Otherwise, everything looks great so far. Good job!
I guess I'm conflating NPC banters with other types of NPC interactions and dialog. I'd still want banters as well as all NPC dialog to be enabled in multiplayer by default.
... love the "manual" you've made, as always.
-> Pregenerate an Avenger in SoA (with 16 CON).
-> New Game , import above pregenerated character
BUG: At the start of the game he has 144 HP at Level 8 (information screen says: +8 bonus HP per Lvl)
Expected behaviour: HP should be (Level 8 Avenger with 16 CON) at MAX 8*8 + 8*2 = 80 HP
> difficulty = Core
> Creating a new Avenger (CON = 16) as usual results in getting the Maximum HP allowment of 80 HP
(Is this intended? I recall in vanilla it didn't create your character with MAX HP but a bit lower respecting the random 1D8 hit dice a Druid gets per level up).
Gut, ich les hier ein paar Release-Seiten rein! Ich warte lieber auf die Endphase, dass ich mich selber nicht herunterzuladen zu müssen... (Garfield-Prinzip)
*German OFF*
... wat? Surely you mean thac0? Having 10 attacks at lvl 20 might be a bit over the top? xD
By the way, I heartily agree with @StefanO - that release notes document is awesome!
Well, I'm off to perusing those 37 pages of patchy goodness.
And I also agree, those are the most beautifully curated patch notes I've ever seen! Now I can brag that I've recently found the time again to enjoy an exquisit and sophisticated book.
“We went through and we basically sat and we debugged it and we debugged it,” said Oster of Icewind Dale multiplayer. “We cooked hours upon hours upon hours of people testing it and testing and testing and trying to trap every scenario where that game went sideways on us.”
During ID:EE’s development, Beamdog had devs playing six-player co-op games until they were as fatigued as their party members and had to go to bed.
“So stability is way out. Baldur’s Gate 1.3 multiplayer stability is awesome, Icewind Dale same thing. We fixed it, we finally nailed all the little problems,” said Oster.
“After that we’re already talking about the 1.4 feature set. What are we gonna add, how are we gonna clean things up, what are we gonna change, how can we makes things better? There’s a ton of work still to be done in the Baldur’s Gate universe here.”
Has anything been done in regards to Neera's quest and the risk of breaking all of them if you go after the blue elf too soon? Didn't see anything about it in the notes, and this was one of my biggest disappointments with Neera's quest.