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#16392 [ToB, Neera]Completing the Eight Staves quest should remove the corresponding journal entry

Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,871
1. Load the attached ToB save.
2. Click in the bell to summon Szass Tam.
3. Respond to Szass Tam so he becomes hostile (3, 3, 3, 1).
4. Get Szazz Tam to near-death (Ctrl/y) so he resumes dialogue.
5. Respond to Szass Tam and agree to stop fighting (1, 1).
6. Speak to Szass Tam to be transported back to Tethyr (1).
7. Respond to Neera (all 1's).
8. From the Journal Screen (J), select the Quests screen.

Destroying the Order of Eight Staves remains an active quest.

Destroying the Order of Eight Staves should be removed from active quests.
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