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[MOD] High Moor Shaman w/leveling Familiar ver. 1.00 Updated (Updated Link)

CorsymyrCorsymyr Member Posts: 146
edited January 2014 in General Modding
This will copy over your True Neutral Famliar (famrab.cre). This means if you make a TN Mage and cast Call Famliar you will get the CRE from this kit. Make a copy of your original file just in case.

Been gone for awhile, and noticed ppl were asking for this mod, so here is the updated link. I have not started modding for BG2:EE so I am unsure if this will work for it or not.



Fixed animation problem with Javelin 4 (ranged attack didn't show a spear being thrown).

For the Panther to work you will have to use this kit as the Protangonist (he is a familiar).

This kit adds a Shaman choice under the Druid Class. The kit contains an upgraded familiar that levels up as you do. The kit also contains 4 new Spears/Javelins that are located in several stores (details below). You can choose to install these or not include them. I have done a good bit of testing on this and it seems to function properly. Any feedback would be appreciated. When you start the game you will have a spirit item in your inventory, move it to a quick slot to call your companion spirit initially (this does not cause the Spirit Companion Ritual to occur).

High Moor Shaman:
The High Moor is a large monster-infested, open moorland in western Faerun, and is bordered on the east by the Serpent Hills and on the west by the Misty Forest. These wild lands are home to many druids and shaman, as well as all types of flora and fauna. The High Moor Shaman trains in healing the wilds of nature, and through rituals, and his empathy for the wildlife, he may gain a companion spirit which will serve as a guide to the druid. This spirit and the shaman become as one through shamanic ritual, and this bond is permanent in nature and nearly impossible to break. The death of a companion spirit is permanent to the bond and another spirit cannot be called for again by the same shaman. The companion spirit will fight to the death if need be, but will normally retreat to the shaman and release his spirit into a totem when the wounds sustained are too great to risk. This action is not out of fear, but out of loyalty to the bond shared. If the companion spirit does die it will cause the shaman a permanent loss in his constitution, and the permanent loss of his companion.


- May specialize, 2 points, in Spears.
- May add 2 points in Two-Handed Weapons.
- Gains a Companion Spirit at level 1. In this case the spirit is that of a Panther, who goes by the name Phyxmur'ss.
- Phyxmur'ss gains levels and abilities every level you achieve.
- On level up Phyxmur'ss gives you a gift (sellable from 100 Gold to 2000 Gold).


- Due to the spirit companion bond, spell casting takes more effort. (Casting times are increased)
- Reduced spell choices within the Druid spellbook.
- Companion Spirit death will cause 1 point of permanent Constitution damage and loss of Companion Spirit permanently.
- The ritual to recall Phyxmur'ss from the totem in your backpack will cost 50% of your current Hit Points, and cause a deep slumber for 10 seconds.
- Cannot Shapeshift.


- Creature type Greater Panther (Phyxmur'ss).
- Thief Class, with very low skill points in pick pocket, and disarm skills, due to his form. His keen eyesight grants him great skills in Find Traps, and Detect Illusion. Gains backstab multiplier as a Thief of the same level (starts at level 1 and levels with the Protagonist). Has very good Hide/Move Silently skills, and movement rate. If the hit points of Phyxmur'ss drop below 40%, your companion will return to your backpack to avoid permanent death (he has a healthy pool of HP). Remember your ritual to recall Phyxmur'ss will remove 50% of your life force and drop you to the ground helpless for 10 seconds, so it would be wise to not recall during battle, and instead find a safe place and time for performing your ritual.

Stats at Level 1:
STR 16, DEX 19, CON 15, INT 10, WIS 12, CHA 6
Move Silently 50
Hide 50
AC 5
ApR 3
125% Movement Speed
Immune to Charm and Poison.
Regenerates 1HP per Minute.
Has Cure Light Wounds and Charm Animal as innate abilities once a day.

Gains +5 HP, +5 Move/Silently, +5 Hide, and a -1 Thac0 per level
Gains +25% Speed levels 2,3,4 (200% Total)
Armor Class -1 on odd levels.
+1 Strength on levels 2, 6, 10, 14, & 18.
+1 Dexterity on levels 3, 7, & 11.

Phyxmur'ss Bite/Claw/Claw Progression
Level 1 (1d6/1d2/1d2)
Level 4 (1d6+1/1d2+1/1d2+1)
Level 7 (1d8+1/1d4+1/1d4+1)
Level 10 (1d8+2/1d4+2/1d4+2)
Level 13 (1d10+2/1d6+2/1d6+2)
Level 16 (1d10+3/1d6+3/1d6+3)
Level 19 (1d12+3/1d8+3/1d8+3)
The sequence is actually Claw/Bite/Claw - His Bite is in his off-hand slot (dual weilding)

Optional: Javelins/Spears

These items were added to give the Shaman a ranged attack that better fits his style. Once the last one in a stack is thrown you still have the base Spear, so it works out well (at least for me it does). The Stores that sell them, and which ones are available are listed here (3&4 are quite pricey, so save your money) they are all located at the end of each of the store items list;

Candlekeep Inn

Friendly Arm Inn


Ulgoth's Beard

***Javelin -1***


One of the earliest weapons, dating back to the most primitive of times, the first spears were simply wooden poles or sticks sharpened at one end. When the civilized races mastered metals, spearheads were made from iron and steel. Having reached this end, weaponsmiths began experimenting with different types of spearheads, thus leading to the development of certain polearm types. This version of the spear is smaller and can be used as a thrown weapon as well.


Melee Damage: 1d6 (piercing)
Thrown Damage: 1d6 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: Two-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Weight: 5
(Max stack 10)

Not Usable By:


Javelin of Biting:

These javelins have been enhanced by elvish craftsmen to be lighter, allowing the carrying of larger stacks, and are sharper than a standard javelin.


Melee Damage: 1d8+1 (piercing)
Thrown Damage: 1d8+1 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: Two-Handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Weight: 2
(Max stack 40)

Not Usable By:


Javelin of Returning:

This weapon is much heavier than any other of its type, and seems less likely to be thrown with any accuracy. Once in the hands of the wielder it seems to find its target with greater accuracy than anticipated. Beyond that, once thrown it reappears in the capable hands of its owner.


Melee Damage: 1d8+2 (piercing)
Thrown Damage: 1d8+2 (piercing)
Special: Returning
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: Two-Handed
Requires: 12 Strength
Weight: 10

Not Usable By:


Drazganar Arahko:

In the ancient times, even before the crafting of the Mithril Hall deep in the bowels of the Deep Realm, this weapon was forged by the greatest of Dwarven weaponsmiths, from the rarest and most splendid of ore. Within it are forged potent magics and resonant ability that it lends to its fortunate wielder. The shaft of this weapon smolders with warmth and magic, the tip gleams brightly and eagerly awaits its next foe. This weapon never leaves the hand of the owner; instead its power is released in the form of a javelin burning the unfortunate target. This weapon demands a healthy strength to wield appropriately, and a fair sense of coordination to work its ranged powers.


Melee Damage: 1d10+3 (piercing)
Thrown Damage: 1d10+3 (piercing)
Special: Returning
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: Two-Handed
Requires: 14 Strength
Requires: 14 Dexterity
Weight: 20

Not Usable By:
Any Elf (Half-Elf)

Let me know what you think!!

Have fun:)

Spells Removed from Druid Spellbook

Level 1
Armor of Faith

Level 2
Find Traps
Flame Blade

Level 3
Dispel Magic
Miscast Magic
Rigid Thinking

Level 4
Animal Summoning I
Call Woodland Beings
Death Ward

Level 5
Animal Summoning II
Chaotic Commands
True Seeing

Level 6
Animal Summoning III
Blade Barrier
Conjure Animals

Level 7
Conjure Earth Elemental

Spell casting speed reduced by 3.
Post edited by Corsymyr on


  • I like the implementation of the spirit companion and the new javelins/spears. Do the javelins allow you to add your strength bonus to damage? I'm curious as to what spells you removed from the Druid's spellbook. Also, at first blush, losing half your hit points when you summon the panther seems like it might be an excessive penalty, especially since I assume the shaman will have to re-summon the panther every time you enter a new area.
  • CorsymyrCorsymyr Member Posts: 146
    edited February 2013
    @Kaigen First thanks for the interest in the Kit! The Javelins do indeed use the Strength modification to damage. The Spirit Companion is a Familiar, so he does not disappear on entering or leaving an area. This was a design feature I wanted in the Spirit Companion; to be able to go with you just like any other NPC. When his health reaches 40% (and he has about 20% more HP than he should) he will heal himself and run to your backpack. If you were in battle and there were no penalties, you could just recall him fully healed and ready to go again. Making the penalty for the recalling makes this a very risky procedure.

    Give him a run in battle ... it's fun to watch. He backstabs really well too.

    I will add the Spells removed to the original post soon.
  • Interesting choice of spells removed. Losing the summoning makes sense, as the Shaman is focused on their spirit companion, not directing a bunch of fodder. Removing some of the personal buffs pushes the Shaman away from melee combat and towards ranged. Losing Dispel Magic, Death Ward, and Chaotic Commands means you'll probably need to take another Druid/Cleric along to provide those important protection spells (and with the penalty to casting speed, a Shaman wouldn't be your choice of dispeller anyway, as when you need that, it's often urgent).
  • CorsymyrCorsymyr Member Posts: 146
    @kaigen ... that was how I was seeing it too. Thanks for your input!
  • KenzeKenze Member Posts: 27
    i used the totem thingy from my back pack but my companion never appeared and now the totem thingy is gone. not sure what went wrong.
  • CorsymyrCorsymyr Member Posts: 146
    edited February 2013
    @Kenze ... that's very odd. I did my testing on a clean install of BG:EE with no other mods. You can use the console to get it again as follows:


    Let me know if this continues.

    BTW: This will only work on Player 1 if you are doing a Multiplayer game.
  • KenzeKenze Member Posts: 27
    Corsymyr said:

    @Kenze ... that's very odd. I did my testing on a clean install of BG:EE with no other mods. You can use the console to get it again as follows:


    Let me know if this continues.

    i think i know what I did wrong, I used the totem and i think I may have moved before the summons spell was complete. sorry for the bother
  • CorsymyrCorsymyr Member Posts: 146
    @Kenze ... no worries! Have fun and give me feedback on your adventures!
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    This is extremely interesting... going to try it out!
  • CorsymyrCorsymyr Member Posts: 146
    @Xavioria Thanks ... give me feedback on how it goes.
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    edited February 2013
    This is really cool and reminds me of Guenhwyvar and Drizzt. You sure have a knack for interesting ideas @Corsymyr (nice name btw). But isn't spellcasting speed reduction by 3 a bit too much? Wouldn't the spells removed alone compensate enough for the advantages? I mean some of those are the most useful ones.
  • CorsymyrCorsymyr Member Posts: 146
    @illustair ... I actually had just the Spellbook reduction first, but once I started playing around with the Kit, it just seemed still too powerful. The -3 to spellcasting makes it feel more balanced to me. Once you get the rhythm of running Phymur'ss, and grab a stack of Javelins, the kit is pretty powerful. Use the cat stealth and backstab as the opener, and he'll hold aggro and you can cast offensively (the few you do have), chunk a javelin, or just play healer to the cat. ~(ymmv)~

    As always, if the feedback is that -3 casting time is too steep, I would be glad to alter it really quick.

    Thanks for your comments ... as always they are well appreciated.
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    It seems steep in paper, but who knows. I guess I'll have to try it in-game first. Thanks!
  • CorsymyrCorsymyr Member Posts: 146
    Let me know how it works for you, I am always interested in improving any of my work.
  • LugeLuge Member Posts: 90
    edited March 2013
    @Corsymyr Why do you overwrite the "famrab" for this? Why not just rename it "famcomp" and keep it separate? Update your scripts and it should still work fine.

    Oh..And is this only for BG:EE? It's slightly odd in normal BG2.

    Post edited by Luge on
  • CorsymyrCorsymyr Member Posts: 146
    @Luge ... from my understanding the Familiars are hard-coded and the pet will behave as a summon otherwise.

    As for how it works in BG2 I am unsure I have not tested it there. What are the oddities?
  • LugeLuge Member Posts: 90
    I haven't tried this yet myself, @Corsymyr, but here's a few things I just found.

    BALDUR.GAM contains a variable (the last one) called Familar Info. It lists which alignments correspond to which familiar. I've experimented a little with it and you can change the CRE files listed so that mages can summon ANY creature as a familiar. The summoned creature comes under party control just like the other familiars.

    It's a bit buggy, of course. The summoned creatures have their own scripts and agendas, so they don't behave very well, but the principle is there.

    In theory, you perhaps a spell could be made that changes this variable to your new animal companion (say, famcomp), executes the summoning, and changes the variable back again. Not sure if this will work, though.

    Also, ref this text:

    Try changing offset 0x0314 in the .CRE to "4", which is the corresponding number in EA.IDS for "Familiar".

  • KenzaKenza Member Posts: 1
    Hey~ I made an account just to say how much I love this mod! Do you plan to make it compatible with BG2? (If it's not already; I haven't tested it yet either since I'm still working on 1!)

    Also, I might have found a bug.. or it could just be that I messed up something on my end. This is the first mod I've ever installed on BG, so maybe I messed something up along the way. O.o Anyways, the bug! When using the first 2(non-returning) javelins, when I reached the last one in the stack it would turn it into a stack of 4732843287432 javelins! It was really quite convenient, I never had to buy refills... Just kept 20 and threw the rest on the ground.

    As for feedback, since you're looking for suggestions for improvements... Everything's awesome! But if I had to suggest something, maybe more weapons? Maybe 1 in between the Biting and Returning one, and another in between Returning and Drazganar Arahko? But maybe that's a bit overkill, idk how many upgrades other weapon types get, I just love getting new stuff! Oh, or maybe a shaman-specific body armor! 'Cause Ankheg armor is so ugly... <.<;
  • LillyhimeLillyhime Member Posts: 36
    the download link no longer works. ._. /sad
  • randyroorandyroo Member Posts: 54
    yes i just asked in another thread how to allow familiar leveling should have scrolled down the page first thank you
  • randyroorandyroo Member Posts: 54
    edit any chance of a reup i would like to see how this was implemented
  • RetsuyamaRetsuyama Member Posts: 2
    Hey your mod look good. But can you please upload it again please?
  • AkashanAkashan Member Posts: 3
    man, don't upload on zippyshare, it delete the file if not downloaded for 30 days. can you upload it again pls? :)
  • amyaeamyae Member Posts: 71
    Don't know if @Corsymyr is still around, but does anyone else have a copy of this mod? Looked really fun to play...
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