NINJA: Ninjas are the invisible warriors; spies and assassins practiced in the skills of concealment, stealth, trickery, disguise, acrobatics, and assassination. They possess a number of special abilities and use many unique devices. Their abilities and reputations are clouded in mystery. Many ascribe supernatural powers to them. The ninjas have done nothing to discourage these stories and may very well spread the tales themselves. Such confusion only enhances their reputation, inspiring more terror at the mere mention of their name.
- Moves 2 points faster than other characters.
- Movement rate further improves by 1 every 5 levels
- Starts with an Armor Class of 9 at 1st level and gains an additional +1 bonus every 4 levels
- May Specialize (two slots) in any melee or ranged weapon available to Rogues
2nd level: May use the Evasion ability once per day
EVASION: The ninja gains a -4 bonus to AC and a -2 bonus to saving throws. Lasts 3 rounds
4th level: May coat his weapon in poison once per day
POISON WEAPON: Each successful hit within the next round will inject poison into the target, dealing an extra 2 points of damage per second with no Saving Throw (for a total of 12 points of damage). Moreover, if the target fails a Saving Throw vs. Poison, he will suffer 1 additional point of damage per round for 4 rounds.
5th level: May use the Greater Evasion ability once per day
GREATER EVASION: The ninja gains a -6 bonus to AC, -4 bonus to saving throws, movement rate +2 and immunity to normal missiles. Lasts 5 rounds
8th level: The weapon speed is reduced by 1 to a minimum of 1
10th level: May use the Feign Death ability once per day
FEIGN DEATH :-5 bonus to Save vs. Death, immunity to death affects, and +20 Hit Points. Lasts 5 rounds.
12th level: May use the Assassination ability once per day
ASSASSINATION: Every attack in the next round will be a backstab, using the ninja's current backstab multiplier.
- Race restricted to human
- May not wear any armour
- May not use Set Snare ability
- May only distribute 20 skill points per level among thieving skills
- Alignment restricted to non-chaotic except lawful good
- Moves 2 points faster than other characters.
- Movement rate further improves by 1 every 5 levels
- Starts with an Armor Class of 9 at 1st level and gains an additional +1 bonus every 4 levels
- May Specialize (two slots) in any melee or ranged weapon available to Rogues
2nd level: May use the Evasion ability once per day
EVASION: The ninja gains a -4 bonus to AC and a -2 bonus to saving throws. Lasts 3 rounds
4th level: May coat his weapon in poison once per day
POISON WEAPON: Each successful hit within the next round will inject poison into the target, dealing an extra 2 points of damage per second with no Saving Throw (for a total of 12 points of damage). Moreover, if the target fails a Saving Throw vs. Poison, he will suffer 1 additional point of damage per round for 4 rounds.
5th level: May use the Greater Evasion ability once per day
GREATER EVASION: The ninja gains a -6 bonus to AC, -4 bonus to saving throws, movement rate +2 and immunity to normal missiles. Lasts 5 rounds
8th level: The weapon speed is reduced by 1 to a minimum of 1
10th level: May use the Feign Death ability once per day
FEIGN DEATH :-5 bonus to Save vs. Death, immunity to death affects, and +20 Hit Points. Lasts 5 rounds.
12th level: May use the Assassination ability once per day
ASSASSINATION: Every attack in the next round will be a backstab, using the ninja's current backstab multiplier.
- Race restricted to human
- May not wear any armour
- May not use Set Snare ability
- May only distribute 20 skill points per level among thieving skills
- Alignment restricted to non-chaotic except lawful good
Post edited by Greener on
They receive a single usage of poison weapon per day as opposed to one every four levels
The HLAs are hardly worth writing home about, and are consistently reviewed as terrible HLAs for level 24+
This is not a front line brawler but in fact a hit and run character
In my opinion : AC bonus every 2 levels, or AC bonus every 4 levels and the ability to wear armour.
Level 1-4: +2d6
Level 5-8: +3d6
Level 9-12: +4d6
Level 13-17: +5d6
Level 18+: +6d6
whats counts as light blade group?
edit: ninja-to as well. scimitars are not.
Thank you in advance
Just an FYI here, but if you take any setup file (eg: Setup-Neera-romance.exe) , rename it "Setup-Ninja.exe" and run it, it should handle the installation of the ninja kit, which you can then apply using Keeper.