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Ellyrian, The Cleric\Ranger NPC

CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
edited April 2015 in BG:EE Mods
Goooood afternoon ladies and gentlemen, just thought I'd share with you a little tinkering project from BG:EE.
I felt the need for a a goodly aligned cleric/ranger with a tolerable personality.

So I made one.

She has banters with some on the NPC's and a handful of interjections. It's only in an early release at this point and it will be updated fairly often to later include quests and a few unique items. As well as a story that explains a few vague things mentioned around the place. :) At the moment, she can be found in the Jovial Juggler in Beregost. She's on a mission... ;)
Can't guarantee it's bug free but I'll do what I can to help out with it!


Edit: Attachment has been updated to the latest version and includes the amazing portrait courtesy of Isandir! :):)
Updated again to include new banters and more backstory. Report any bugs, my spelling is awful and much of this was written after work at 4am so keep an eye out! :P
Post edited by CaloNord on


  • chrstnmonkschrstnmonks Member Posts: 176
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    edited July 2014
    CaloNord said:

    I felt the need for a a goodly aligned cleric/ranger with a tolerable personality.

    So I made one.

    I barely even tested it out, but I already love it.
    CaloNord said:

    Can't guarantee it's bug free but I'll do what I can to help out with it!

    I don't know if this counts as a "bug," but her bio shows up as pushed to the left side of the screen (see screenshot below).


    Also, did you draw the portrait for her yourself? It shows her as carrying a sword behind her back, but she's not proficient in swords and those weapons are forbidden to clerics anyway.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    Aww thanks @SharGuidesMyHand‌, never attempted anything like this before. ;)

    The bio I had no idea about, I shall fix that today! :D The portrait is a placeholder at the moment, I'm working on editing it to suit her a bit better. :) I'll update this week! :) Cheers for the feedback! :D:D
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    I don't think the helmet issue or the plate mail issue are problematic, but the lack of a helmet when wearing plate mail is a little odd.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    Also, it appears that the mod doesn't completely uninstall when this option is chosen - it still leaves behind a number of files in my override folder.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    edited August 2014
    Alright, a minor update changing the portrait and returning her paperdoll to a fighter for the time being. I'm not rightly sure whats up with the Biography at the moment. I altered it in the .tp2 but for me at least it's still a little off. >.>

    I'll look into the uninstall issue as soon as I can. It's a pain in the ass getting enough spare time at the moment! :( Keep up the amazing work @SharGuidesMyHand‌! Helping so much giving it a proper test!! She's in need of some TLC! ;) I'm working on some more of her quest and a couple of dream sequences for her next major overhaul when I get the free time. ;)

    ~Edited, file removed for alteration!~

    Post edited by CaloNord on
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    Oh WoW! That would be INCREDIBLE. Your work is top notch! I'll come up with something in the coming days for you if you wouldn't mind taking it on! :)
  • IsandirIsandir Member Posts: 458
    Sure. When you're ready, just send over a physical description (facial features, hair length and color, eye color, etc.), an armor/clothing description and any other relevant details.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    Says she's uninstalled in my Weidu but she is still in the inn, though I did try to uninstall her after talking to her for the first time and declining her invite, and now she just uses generic line with no dialog box.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    Says she's uninstalled in my Weidu but she is still in the inn, though I did try to uninstall her after talking to her for the first time and declining her invite, and now she just uses generic line with no dialog box.

    This could be related to the fact that the mod's components aren't completely removed from the override folder when it uninstalls, but installing or uninstalling a mod in the midst of gameplay always has the potential to cause issues.

    When you visit a particular area or the inside of a room, the game basically takes a "snapshot" of the area and preserves it. Thereafter, installing or uninstalling a mod related to that area will sometimes have no effect, or the effect will be buggy - so it isn't uncommon that a modded character will remain in a room even after you've uninstalled the mod.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited August 2014
    WeiDU removes all the files--but if the area was already visited while the mod was installed the character will remain there.
    Strings added to the .tlk are left there to avoid uncompatibility issues.
    If you have more mods, the override folder will still have files.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    edited September 2014
    deleted - see below

  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    I'm currently doing my first earnest playthrough with this mod, and I've just encountered my first intraparty banter with her, which occurred randomly as we were exploring the Nashkel mines.


    I liked it - very witty and amusing.

    I also took note of her battle cry.


    I'd ask where you got that name from - but is that going to spoil any plotlines?
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    Why thank you Master Elminster! I shall add it to the list! :) Much work to do! Sooo much more in mind. I have much to learn though, my ambition is exceeding my skill as I learn! :D
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    I have encountered a bug that appears to be related to this mod (I had trouble tracking down the source, because I have a few mods installed).

    If I encounter Brage with Ellyrian in the party, she will interject with her own comment on the situation. However, this causes Brage to repeat his riddle question twice, and subsequently offsets the entire interaction.


    Notice that once I have answered the riddle, nothing further happens - we don't get teleported to Nashkel, and Brage just stands there.

    If I encounter Brage without Ellyrian in the party, it will still cause Brage to repeat his riddle question twice, and will often cause the game to crash in between each asking. But if I remove Brage's dialogue file from the override folder, the interaction plays out without problems.
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417

    CaloNord said:

    The portrait is a placeholder at the moment, I'm working on editing it to suit her a bit better. :)

    If you're looking for a portrait, perhaps you'll consider this one?


    I dunno, @SharGuidesMyHand‌, do they even HAVE Maybelene in the temples and woods of Faerun?

  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    I dunno, @SharGuidesMyHand‌, do they even HAVE Maybelene in the temples and woods of Faerun?


    Maybe she's born with it.
    I got ninja'd!
  • Giant_GnomeGiant_Gnome Member Posts: 3
    A typo I've noticed with Ellyrian in a banter with Dynaheir. Dynaheir says, "Minsc is an usual one, to be sure." That should be "unusual".
  • RAM021RAM021 Member Posts: 403

    A typo I've noticed with Ellyrian in a banter with Dynaheir. Dynaheir says, "Minsc is an usual one, to be sure." That should be "unusual".

    Or potentially "a" instead...
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    edited February 2015
    Alright, double posting but that's okay! *looks around nervously.*

    I've corrected the spelling mistakes and altered a lot of the dialogue to run a little smoother and hopefully feel a little more in character, this is an ongoing process as I figure out how to get into a characters mindset. Thank you very much @elminster and @Giant_Gnome! You're now in the readme. ;) Small thanks but it's all I can do! :)

    The portrait - This is also only a place holder for now, I'm getting a better idea of what she would look like but I'm not there yet. :)

    As for the banter bug from @SharGuidesMyHand, I have been unable to replicate the bug in anyway, I tried several times with several different characters but have had no luck thus far, just to be safe I've removed the banter from the code for now until I get a better idea of how that works. :)
    I'm also switching it back to a Ranger paperdoll for now to avoid issues with the helmets. It didn't bother me at all but it may bother others. Many many thanks to you as well! :)

    I've started the outline for a plot and will be working on some more in depth stuff for her, including a quest or two very soon! :) Stay tuned! :)

    ^^^ New Updated version is attached to the first post! ^^^

  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    CaloNord said:

    As for the banter bug from @SharGuidesMyHand, I have been unable to replicate the bug in anyway, I tried several times with several different characters but have had no luck thus far, just to be safe I've removed the banter from the code for now until I get a better idea of how that works. :)

    Nice to see you've returned!

    I think the problem was actually caused by some sort of conflict between this mod and the NPC project mod, which I had also installed at the same time. IIRC, if I replayed the interaction without the project installed, it played out correctly.

    Sorry about that!
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    @SharGuidesMyHand, it's no problem, if it causes conflicts for you it will cause them for others so until I figure out how to fix that it's probably best to just remove it for now. Only a minor banter anyway so it's not a massive loss at the moment. :)

    Working on a bit more content tonight, might be a little while before I do a bigger more comprehensive update, rather then two dozen smaller ones. :)
  • ggallegherggallegher Member Posts: 78
    edited March 2015
    Hey, @CaloNord. Digging the Swanson-'tar.

    I've had a go at making a complete Cleric/Ranger-appropriate soundset for Ellyrian, as the lack of selection and command audio responses was bugging me. The full mod with voiceset included, which gets automatically installed as part of the regular WeiDU mod installation process, should be attached to this post.

    Hope folks enjoy it.
    Post edited by ggallegher on
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    @ggallegher Cheers mate! My fiancée will be doing some voice acting for it muuuch later on! :) Until then, a place holder set would be VERY welcome! :)

    Wait til you see the portrait. :O :O :O
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