Ellyrian, The Cleric\Ranger NPC

Goooood afternoon ladies and gentlemen, just thought I'd share with you a little tinkering project from BG:EE.
I felt the need for a a goodly aligned cleric/ranger with a tolerable personality.
So I made one.
She has banters with some on the NPC's and a handful of interjections. It's only in an early release at this point and it will be updated fairly often to later include quests and a few unique items. As well as a story that explains a few vague things mentioned around the place.
At the moment, she can be found in the Jovial Juggler in Beregost. She's on a mission... 
Can't guarantee it's bug free but I'll do what I can to help out with it!
Edit: Attachment has been updated to the latest version and includes the amazing portrait courtesy of Isandir!

Updated again to include new banters and more backstory. Report any bugs, my spelling is awful and much of this was written after work at 4am so keep an eye out! :P
I felt the need for a a goodly aligned cleric/ranger with a tolerable personality.
So I made one.
She has banters with some on the NPC's and a handful of interjections. It's only in an early release at this point and it will be updated fairly often to later include quests and a few unique items. As well as a story that explains a few vague things mentioned around the place.

Can't guarantee it's bug free but I'll do what I can to help out with it!
Edit: Attachment has been updated to the latest version and includes the amazing portrait courtesy of Isandir!

Updated again to include new banters and more backstory. Report any bugs, my spelling is awful and much of this was written after work at 4am so keep an eye out! :P
Post edited by CaloNord on
I don't know if this counts as a "bug," but her bio shows up as pushed to the left side of the screen (see screenshot below).
Also, did you draw the portrait for her yourself? It shows her as carrying a sword behind her back, but she's not proficient in swords and those weapons are forbidden to clerics anyway.
The bio I had no idea about, I shall fix that today!
Artist was Isandir IIRC. I figured it was appropriate since it also has a grey-hooded cloak and darker skin tone just like your character's paperdoll. I've attached L, M, and S-sized portraits to this post if you're interested.
BTW, while I do like the use of a rogue paperdoll, I should point out that there can be a few small issues if you try to equip a rogue paperdoll with a weapon or item that rogues aren't intended to be able to use.
For example, below you'll see that I placed a helmet on the character's head, but no helmet actually shows up on the paperdoll.
In another example, equipping plate or full plate armor will cause the hood to disappear - though the paperdoll still will not have a helmet.
I'll look into the uninstall issue as soon as I can. It's a pain in the ass getting enough spare time at the moment!
~Edited, file removed for alteration!~
However, I have an easy solution. Send over a character description, and I'll create a custom portrait for her...
When you visit a particular area or the inside of a room, the game basically takes a "snapshot" of the area and preserves it. Thereafter, installing or uninstalling a mod related to that area will sometimes have no effect, or the effect will be buggy - so it isn't uncommon that a modded character will remain in a room even after you've uninstalled the mod.
Strings added to the .tlk are left there to avoid uncompatibility issues.
If you have more mods, the override folder will still have files.
I liked it - very witty and amusing.
I also took note of her battle cry.
I'd ask where you got that name from - but is that going to spoil any plotlines?
There is so much left to do, I'm going to learn to write code for a sleep interruption so I can start working on the plot a little more. I've got a rough idea where I want to go but it'll flesh itself out when I get a few spare days from work and my course to really dig into it. Weirdly, this was originally a throw away project to teach me how to code and fill in a party gap. Now it's gotten wildly larger.
The name Chauntea? It's her patron deity.
It was in the line
"Yes! Always! Rashemen is a beautiful place. Boo and I have been gone far to long!"
I guess in your C1Ellyb file
Should be "too" long not "to" long.
Anyways this is very impressive mod all the same
If I encounter Brage with Ellyrian in the party, she will interject with her own comment on the situation. However, this causes Brage to repeat his riddle question twice, and subsequently offsets the entire interaction.
Notice that once I have answered the riddle, nothing further happens - we don't get teleported to Nashkel, and Brage just stands there.
If I encounter Brage without Ellyrian in the party, it will still cause Brage to repeat his riddle question twice, and will often cause the game to crash in between each asking. But if I remove Brage's dialogue file from the override folder, the interaction plays out without problems.
My fiancée is the English genius, so she'll be handling the proof read and some of the writing for me, since I'm terrible at it!
I still cannot figure why the hell the biography is offset slightly. I feel I'am missing something RIGHT under my tiny little nose. . .
I've corrected the spelling mistakes and altered a lot of the dialogue to run a little smoother and hopefully feel a little more in character, this is an ongoing process as I figure out how to get into a characters mindset. Thank you very much @elminster and @Giant_Gnome! You're now in the readme.
The portrait - This is also only a place holder for now, I'm getting a better idea of what she would look like but I'm not there yet.
As for the banter bug from @SharGuidesMyHand, I have been unable to replicate the bug in anyway, I tried several times with several different characters but have had no luck thus far, just to be safe I've removed the banter from the code for now until I get a better idea of how that works.
I'm also switching it back to a Ranger paperdoll for now to avoid issues with the helmets. It didn't bother me at all but it may bother others. Many many thanks to you as well!
I've started the outline for a plot and will be working on some more in depth stuff for her, including a quest or two very soon!
^^^ New Updated version is attached to the first post! ^^^
I think the problem was actually caused by some sort of conflict between this mod and the NPC project mod, which I had also installed at the same time. IIRC, if I replayed the interaction without the project installed, it played out correctly.
Sorry about that!
Working on a bit more content tonight, might be a little while before I do a bigger more comprehensive update, rather then two dozen smaller ones.
I've had a go at making a complete Cleric/Ranger-appropriate soundset for Ellyrian, as the lack of selection and command audio responses was bugging me. The full mod with voiceset included, which gets automatically installed as part of the regular WeiDU mod installation process, should be attached to this post.
Hope folks enjoy it.
Wait til you see the portrait. :O :O :O