Jester song enhancement (Gain experience from mayhem updated)

Make jester more useful and remain fun.This mod works on BGEE, BG2EE and IWDEE, just download and put everthing into override folder.
What's new:
Whenever a confused enemy made kill, character will gain experience point depend on jester's level:
(Gain extra effect if doubleplayed with Mislead)
1-5st: 250
6-8st: 400
9-11st: 700
12-15st: 1550
16st+: 3250
Notice: This effect will change your character's AI script, you can change it off anytime you want, but every time the song is played, AI script will swtich back.
Confused Enemies have a 30% chance to go berserk, attack anyone nearby.
Changed Save vs. Spell to Save vs. Breath weapon.
Added new effect: Must Save vs. Breath weapon to avoid spellcasting failure(80% chance).
Added new effect: Ever round the jester plays his song, Enemies within 30 feet have a chance to suffer penalty on their Breath weapon Saving Throw, this effect can stack up to a maximum of 10 times:
1-5st: 75% chance to suffer a -1 penalty on Breath weapon Saving Throw
6-10st: 100% chance to suffer a -1 penalty on Breath weapon Saving Throw
11-15st: 100% chance to suffer a -1 and 25% chance to suffer another -1 penalty on Breath weapon Saving Throw
16st+: 100% chance to suffer a -1 and 50% chance to suffer another -1 penalty on Breath weapon Saving Throw
Other effects are remain as they should be.
Update1: It seems that the text string "Miscast magic" is missing in the dialog of BG2EE, so the text notice of miscast magic effect is removed.
Update2: Remake the effect to be more clarify and effective.
Update3: Gain experience from mayhem added.
What's new:
Whenever a confused enemy made kill, character will gain experience point depend on jester's level:
(Gain extra effect if doubleplayed with Mislead)
1-5st: 250
6-8st: 400
9-11st: 700
12-15st: 1550
16st+: 3250
Notice: This effect will change your character's AI script, you can change it off anytime you want, but every time the song is played, AI script will swtich back.
Confused Enemies have a 30% chance to go berserk, attack anyone nearby.
Changed Save vs. Spell to Save vs. Breath weapon.
Added new effect: Must Save vs. Breath weapon to avoid spellcasting failure(80% chance).
Added new effect: Ever round the jester plays his song, Enemies within 30 feet have a chance to suffer penalty on their Breath weapon Saving Throw, this effect can stack up to a maximum of 10 times:
1-5st: 75% chance to suffer a -1 penalty on Breath weapon Saving Throw
6-10st: 100% chance to suffer a -1 penalty on Breath weapon Saving Throw
11-15st: 100% chance to suffer a -1 and 25% chance to suffer another -1 penalty on Breath weapon Saving Throw
16st+: 100% chance to suffer a -1 and 50% chance to suffer another -1 penalty on Breath weapon Saving Throw
Other effects are remain as they should be.
Update1: It seems that the text string "Miscast magic" is missing in the dialog of BG2EE, so the text notice of miscast magic effect is removed.
Update2: Remake the effect to be more clarify and effective.
Update3: Gain experience from mayhem added.
Post edited by Emeus on