[MOD] Kensai Rebalancing for BG:EE and BGII:EE (v2.6)

A revised version (v2.6) of my kensai kit mod based on the AD&D Oriental Adventures 1st edition ...
KENSAI: A kensai is a warrior who has been specially trained to become one with his weapon. They are deadly, fast and have been trained to go into battle without wearing armor. (Note: Despite its common name, a Kensai may use any melee weapon with which he is proficient.) Gaining and maintaining honour is also a vital part of the kensai's life; any kensai whose reputation falls below 6 loses his status in the class. Thereafter the kensai is treated as a fighter and advances in level according to the fighter class. (He loses all of the abilities he had as a kensai.)
- Starts with an Armor Class of 9 at 1st level and gains an additional +1 bonus every 3 levels.
- Gains a -1 bonus to Speed Factor every 4 levels.
- Gains a +1 bonus to all Saving Throws.
- Immune to fear and morale failure.
- May use Kai ability once per day per level (starts at 1st level with one use).
KAI: All successful attacks within the next round deal maximum damage.
- 2nd level: Gains a +1 to hit and damage rolls with any melee weapon every 3 levels.
- 3rd level: Attacks are treated as a +1 magical weapon. This enchantment improves to +2 at level 5, +3 at level 8, +4 at level 10, and +5 at level 12.
- 4th level: May meditate once per day.
MEDITATE: This ability removes fatigue as if the kensai has had a full night's sleep.
- 7th level: Gains a +2 bonus to off hand THAC0, and may cause Fear once per day.
FEAR: All enemies within a 30-ft radius must save vs. paralyzation or run away in panic for 4 rounds.
- 11th level: Gains the Whirlwind Attack ability once per day.
WHIRLWIND ATTACK: This ability allows the kensai to unleash a flurry of super-fast blows. The ability sets one's number of attacks per round to 10 but's one's THAC0 and damage suffer a 4 point penalty. The Whirlwind Attack lasts for one round and may not be used in conjunction with Kai.
- 15th level: Gains the Deathblow ability.
DEATHBLOW: This ability allows the kensai to blow through the defences of any lesser creature. The ability sets one's number of attacks per round to 1, and any creature of 10th level or lower is instantly killed when struck by the kensai. The Deathblow ability lasts of one round.
- May not dual-class
- May not wear any armor.
- May not wear gauntlets or bracers.
- May not use magical or missile weapons.
- Alignment restricted to lawful.
Evasion - A kensai’s natural sense of preservation becomes heightened with the use of the Evasion ability. Evasion gives a bonus of 4 to AC and 2 to all Saving Throws. The effect lasts for 3 rounds.
Greater Evasion - A more powerful version of Evasion, this ability improves Armor Class by 6 and Saving Throws by 3. In addition, Greater Evasion allows the kensai to move so quickly that their movement rate is increased by 2 (base is 10) and normal missiles have no chance of striking them. The effect lasts for 5 rounds.
Second Wind - With extraordinary effort, a high-level kensai can avoid almost certain death. The effect lasts for 2 rounds, and during this time, the kensai cannot be reduced below 1 HP. Use of this ability is very draining on the kensai, and will likely require rest immediately afterward.
Toughness - Choosing this ability increases the warriors maximum hit points by 8 permanently.
Removal of the optional Kara-tur items portion and creation of a standalone item mod (not included)
Deathblow modification (sets one's number of attacks per round to 1)
Additional HLA content
Engine detection v2.0+
Revised HLA component
Various text editing
Revised HLA component
Various text editing
New HLA component
Various text editing
Improved critical replaced with a modified Deathblow ability (lasting 1 round instead of 2)
Additional BGEE content added
Various text editing
BG2EE version released
Improved critical ability added
Various text editing
Various text editing
Repackaged to include a proper windows installation pathway
Armor class bonuses changed to set base AC to value
SoD content added
Various text editing
Ability changes:
Deathblow (special ability) trailed but not implemented (yet)
Ability changes:
Reduced duration of Kai ability from 10 seconds to 1 round (6 seconds)
Restricted the use of other innate abilities while using Whirlwind Attack
To hit and damage bonus new only effect melee weapons
Various text editing
- Starts with an Armor Class of 9 at 1st level and gains an additional +1 bonus every 3 levels.
- Gains a -1 bonus to Speed Factor every 4 levels.
- Gains a +1 bonus to all Saving Throws.
- Immune to fear and morale failure.
- May use Kai ability once per day per level (starts at 1st level with one use).
KAI: All successful attacks within the next round deal maximum damage.
- 2nd level: Gains a +1 to hit and damage rolls with any melee weapon every 3 levels.
- 3rd level: Attacks are treated as a +1 magical weapon. This enchantment improves to +2 at level 5, +3 at level 8, +4 at level 10, and +5 at level 12.
- 4th level: May meditate once per day.
MEDITATE: This ability removes fatigue as if the kensai has had a full night's sleep.
- 7th level: Gains a +2 bonus to off hand THAC0, and may cause Fear once per day.
FEAR: All enemies within a 30-ft radius must save vs. paralyzation or run away in panic for 4 rounds.
- 11th level: Gains the Whirlwind Attack ability once per day.
WHIRLWIND ATTACK: This ability allows the kensai to unleash a flurry of super-fast blows. The ability sets one's number of attacks per round to 10 but's one's THAC0 and damage suffer a 4 point penalty. The Whirlwind Attack lasts for one round and may not be used in conjunction with Kai.
- 15th level: Gains the Deathblow ability.
DEATHBLOW: This ability allows the kensai to blow through the defences of any lesser creature. The ability sets one's number of attacks per round to 1, and any creature of 10th level or lower is instantly killed when struck by the kensai. The Deathblow ability lasts of one round.
- May not dual-class
- May not wear any armor.
- May not wear gauntlets or bracers.
- May not use magical or missile weapons.
- Alignment restricted to lawful.
Evasion - A kensai’s natural sense of preservation becomes heightened with the use of the Evasion ability. Evasion gives a bonus of 4 to AC and 2 to all Saving Throws. The effect lasts for 3 rounds.
Greater Evasion - A more powerful version of Evasion, this ability improves Armor Class by 6 and Saving Throws by 3. In addition, Greater Evasion allows the kensai to move so quickly that their movement rate is increased by 2 (base is 10) and normal missiles have no chance of striking them. The effect lasts for 5 rounds.
Second Wind - With extraordinary effort, a high-level kensai can avoid almost certain death. The effect lasts for 2 rounds, and during this time, the kensai cannot be reduced below 1 HP. Use of this ability is very draining on the kensai, and will likely require rest immediately afterward.
Toughness - Choosing this ability increases the warriors maximum hit points by 8 permanently.
Removal of the optional Kara-tur items portion and creation of a standalone item mod (not included)
Deathblow modification (sets one's number of attacks per round to 1)
Additional HLA content
Engine detection v2.0+
Revised HLA component
Various text editing
Revised HLA component
Various text editing
New HLA component
Various text editing
Improved critical replaced with a modified Deathblow ability (lasting 1 round instead of 2)
Additional BGEE content added
Various text editing
BG2EE version released
Improved critical ability added
Various text editing
Various text editing
Repackaged to include a proper windows installation pathway
Armor class bonuses changed to set base AC to value
SoD content added
Various text editing
Ability changes:
Deathblow (special ability) trailed but not implemented (yet)
Ability changes:
Reduced duration of Kai ability from 10 seconds to 1 round (6 seconds)
Restricted the use of other innate abilities while using Whirlwind Attack
To hit and damage bonus new only effect melee weapons
Various text editing
Post edited by Greener on
The table in the book ends with the following:
XP Level, Initiative bonus, AC bonus, Damage bonus, THAC0 bonus
12+, +3, +4, +5, +5
The Kensai kit that debuted in Baldur's Gate 2 was based on the 2nd edition rules
First, due to his blocking and parrying skill, the kensai subtracts two from his armor class.
Second, the kensai's attack and damage rolls increase by +1 for every three levels attained, to a maximum of +5.
Also, his initiative drops by one for every four levels he attains, down to -3.
Finally, the kensai can choose to automatically cause maximum damage with a single attack. The player must announce the kensai is using this ability prior to making his attack roll. If he does hit, the weapon automatically causes maximum damage, plus any other damage bonuses the kensai has. The kensai can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his level.
A kensai cannot wear armor, as it shows a lack of confidence in his fighting ability.
removed disadvantages from the 2e PnP version were:
"[Special benefit] abilities are usable only when the kensai is using his weapon of mastery; otherwise, he attacks
as a fighter of his usual level."
"Special hindrances: A kensai can never use a magical weapon of the type he has chosen to master, since doing so is not a true measure of his skill. If a kensai fights with a weapon other than his weapon of mastery, he gains only one-half of the experience points from the encounter."
added disadvantages to the BG+IWDEE Kensai class were:
-May not use missile weapons.
-May not wear gauntlets or bracers.
KENSAI: This class’s name, which means “sword saint” in the common tongue, refers to a warrior who has been specially trained to be one with his weapon. He is deadly, fast, and trained to fight without the protection of armor. (Note: Despite its common name, a Kensai may use any melee weapon with which he is proficient.)
- Gains a +1 bonus to all Saving Throws.
- Gains a +1 bonus to initiative (Speed Factor)
- Immune to fear.
- May use Kai ability once per day every 1 levels (starts at 1st level with one use).
KAI: All successful attacks within the next 10 seconds deal maximum damage.
- Level 2: Gains a +1 bonus to damage rolls.
- Level 3: Gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus to hit.
- Level 4: May use Lay On Hands ability on himself to heal 2 Hit Points per level.
- Level 5: Gains a +1 to hit, damage and initiative rolls.
- Level 6: Gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class.
- Level 7: Gains a +2 Offhand THAC0, may use the Fear ability once per day.
FEAR: All characters and creatures 1HD or less within a 10-ft radius must save vs. Breath Weapon or run away in panic for 4 rounds.
- Level 8: Gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 to hit and damage rolls.
- Level 9: Gains a +1 bonus to initiative
- Level 10: Gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 to hit and damage rolls.
- Level 11: Gains the Whirlwind Attack ability once per day.
WHIRLWIND ATTACK: This ability allows the Kensai to unleash a flurry of super-fast blows. The ability sets one’s number of attacks per round to 10 but’s one’s THAC0 and damage suffer a 4 point penalty. The whirlwind attack lasts for one round.
- Level 12: Gains a +1 to hit and damage rolls.
- Alignment restricted to lawful.
- May not wear armour.
- May not use magical or missile weapons.
- May not wear gauntlets or bracers.
"At levels 9/12/15/25, the Kensai's mastered weapon can hit foes requiring 1/2/3/4 levels of enchantment. There are no bonuses to attack or damage rolls from this."
Seeking Sword text for reference:
"The sword is considered a +4 weapon for purposes of determining what it can hit (but this bonus does not apply to attack or damage rolls)"
I'm not sure how to code this...I've looked at seeking sword and the monk fist but I'm unsure how to implement this, any constructive help?
PS I like your earlier Ninja kit, it is now in my future to-play queue. I think it would make for an excellent official addition to the game.
Now, I don't have the right time to code this, but this is how it could be implemented at least
Cheers mate,
KENSAI: A kensai is a warrior who has been specially trained to become one with his weapon. They are deadly, fast and have been trained to go into battle without wearing armor.
- Gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class at 1st level, plus an additional +1 every 3 levels.
- Gains a -1 bonus to Speed Factor every 4 levels.
- Gains a +1 bonus to all Saving Throws.
- Immune to fear.
- May use Kai ability once per every 4 levels (starts at 1st level with one use).
KAI: All successful attacks within the next 10 seconds deal maximum damage
- 2nd level: Gains a +1 to hit and damage rolls every 3 levels.
- 4th level: May meditate once per day.
MEDITATE: This ability allows the kensai to heal 2 Hit Points per level.
- 7th level: Gains a +2 bonus to off hand THAC0, and may use the Fear ability once per day.
FEAR: All characters and creatures with 1 HD or less within a 10-ft radius must save
vs. Breath Weapon or run away in panic for 4 rounds.
- 11th level: Gains the Whirlwind Attack ability once per day.
WHIRLWIND ATTACK: This ability allows the kensai to unleash a flurry of super-fast
blows. The ability sets one’s number of attacks per round to 10 but’s one’s THAC0
and damage suffer a 4 point penalty. The whirlwind attack lasts for one round.
- Alignment restricted to lawful.
- May not dual-class
- May not wear any armour.
- May not use missile weapons.
- May not wear gauntlets or bracers.
- May not use magical weapons.
I'm experimenting with the fallen status, though it's only implemented for the PC, I haven't been able to trigger it for a non PC.
KENSAI: A kensai is a warrior who has been specially trained to become one with his weapon. They are deadly, fast and have been trained to go into battle without wearing armor. A kensai must maintain his honor. If his honor (reputation) falls below 6, he loses his kensai status, becoming a bushi (fighter) of the same level. He loses all kensai abilities gained to that point, and thereafter advances as a fighter.
- Starts with an Armor Class of 9 at 1st level and gains an additional +1 bonus every 3 levels (to a maximum of +4).
- Gains a -1 bonus to Speed Factor every 4 levels.
- Gains a +1 bonus to all Saving Throws.
- Immune to fear and morale failure.
- May use Kai ability one time per level each day (starts at 1st level with one use).
KAI: All successful attacks within the next 10 seconds deal maximum damage
- 2nd level: Gains a +1 to hit and damage rolls every 3 levels.
- 4th level: May meditate once per day.
MEDITATE: This ability removes fatigue as if user has had a full night's sleep.
- 7th level: Gains a +2 bonus to off hand THAC0, and may use the Fear ability once per day.
FEAR: The mere appearance of the kensai can cause fear in all creatures within a 30-ft radius (saving throw vs. paralyzation is allowed).
- 11th level: Gains the Whirlwind Attack ability once per day.
WHIRLWIND ATTACK: This ability allows the kensai to unleash a flurry of super-fast blows. The ability sets one's number of attacks per round to 10 but's one's THAC0 and damage suffer a 4 point penalty. The whirlwind attack lasts for one round and may not be used in conjunction with Kai.
- Alignment restricted to lawful.
- May not dual-class
- May not wear any armor.
- May not use missile weapons.
- May not wear gauntlets or bracers.
I think you've moved the kit a bit closer to a samurai (which is awesome!). Any thoughts for a ninja kit?
Curious though, will the Kensai gain the option to pick whirlwind attack as a HLA again to gain access to greater whirlwind? Or will it be able to pick GW straight away?
Their actual resistance is Silver OR +1 or higher. And Cold-Iron OR +1 or higher for Wolfwere's.
Normal weapons can't truly harm them unless it's silver/cold-iron, but magical weapons work just fine regardless of what they're made out of.
And this also applies to Greater-Wolfweres. Their only special quality is that they fully heal all damage every round so you have to do enough in 1 round to outright kill them (42 HP).
And there are quite a few classes that can ignore to-hit requirements up to a certain level.
Kensai can. (maximum of +3 when using their specialized weapon, possibly +4 if you extend the rules to 20)
Wizard Slayers can, hit as +1 per 3 levels, maximum of +5. (and from level 6 on-wards completely ignore any non-physical melee protection spells, such as Protection from normal/magical weapons/mantles etc, but stoneskin will work...however they have a chance on hit of simply dispelling it).
Any weapon made of adamantine can hit as if +4 regardless of actual enchantments.
Every warrior class level 21 or higher (can hit as if +1 using any weapon). capping at +4 at 30.
I'd change the Kensai version to work like the ACTUAL PnP whirlwind attack HLA, an AoE that deals damage based on class level (1d8+strength bonus, increases by 1d8 every 10 levels (so 2d8 at 20)). (and technically speaking, the kensai can use whirlwind attacks as often as they want since it's just a combat action that replaces their normal apr like all of the special warrior HLA are supposed to work (Deathblow is a save or die in place of normal APR, with a save penalty for each level the warrior is above the target, but doesn't work if they're higher HD then the warrior). Even the warrior HLA version works identically and is supposed to be available as early as level 10).
Also Kai isn't every attack in 10 seconds, it's the NEXT attack within 10 seconds, but they also get one use per level.
Unless you can make the Kai function as a one hit move I think giving it every level is a bit overpowered.
Here are some other thoughts. In 1e PnP I don't believe there is any restriction on Kensai using Missile weapons, however they would not get their bonuses with it since it was not their chosen weapon, in fact if they were using any weapon other than their chosen weapon they would not get their bonuses, but obviously that is impossible at the moment to code. What you can do however is make their damage and to-hit bonuses only apply to melee weapons, and also possibly limit them to 1 pip in missile weapons, thus, like PnP, they could use them but they would not gain any bonuses with them. Also while they probably shouldn’t use bracers because it is a form of armor, they might use gauntlets.
I know changing item usability can be a bit of a pain because originally the developers linked it to the item code rather than class code. However you can gain the same effect, I think, by using the Effect number 181 “Can’t Use Itemtype” and applying to the kit at level 1 for each type of item or equipment you want to restrict. If I were remaking the kit in mind for modability I would simply delete the old Kensai and replace it with a new Kensai that has its item restrictions applied via opcodes.
In terms of the Dual-class restrictions I would still definitely not allow them to Dual to a thief, since the class has a strict code of honor that would definitely not allow things like backstabbing and pick pocketing (you also might consider restricting the class from using daggers ((and possibly clubs)), to go along with their PnP restriction against ninja weapons), but I see no (roleplay) reason why they would not be able to dual class to a Mage, Cleric, or Druid. In terms of power you’ve changed the way their AC improves so that gaining access to robes no longer breaks the class, and their restriction to normal weapon means that Dual-Class characters will no longer have absurd Thac0, and their progressively decreasing AC gives the player more of a reason to choose to play a single class.
Also why have you given them a +1 bonus to all Saving Throws? I could not find any PnP reference, and they seem to be powerful enough as is, unless you are planning on restricting them from using Rings of Protection too.
"Furthermore, the kensai receives a +1 bonus on all saving throws."
About Whirlwind Attack, maybe add a fatigue penalty to it, cause even berserkers are tired after rage.
And that makes a good combination with Meditate.
I think Improved Critical will be a great bonus to 10+ lvl kensai, and that actually makes sense - you're so good with your weapon so you make more criticals.
Also, why you disable dualclassing? This is too harsh.
I am considering adding something like this for a BG2 version... The class by definition "...specially trained to be one with his weapon." not in addition to pickpocketing, finding traps, hiding in shadows and casting magic...
Maybe there are clever method to just disable some high level kensai feats after dualling?
Or we can just add a penalty to a second class - kensai is focused on his weapon, so spellcasting is with -x casting speed and hiding is with x% penalty.
I'm having some trouble getting the kit to install. Clicking the setup file tells me I need some specific software to run it, though it doesn't know what it is. Is there something I'm missing; I've never had this problem with other mods.
Also I might try experimenting with the items codes to if I can't do what suggested with the restrictions.