[MOD] Planetouched Races

Mod no longer supported.
Spawned from the discussion here: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/49575/bringing-tieflings-adding-other-planetouched-races-later-to-bg1-2-iwd1-wip/p1
This mod adds Planetouched Races to BGEE and SoD. Currently, Tieflings and Aasimars are implemented. It is intended that Air Genasi, Earth Genasi, Fire Genasi, and Water Genasi will also be added. All races are based on the Planeswalker Handbook Planeswalker Handbook, 2nd Edition rules, and balanced for BGEE/SoD.
To play as a Tiefling or Aasimar, select elf and then complete character creation as an elf. The Genasi subraces will probably branch off of Human.
**This is meant to help out Tiefling fighters. Because Tiefling fighters will never have greater than 17 Strength (this is Canon in the Planeswalker Handbook), a +2 to melee weapon damage will balance things out.
Air Genasi
coming soon
Earth Genasi
coming soon
Fire Genasi
coming soon
Water Genasi
coming soon
The attached file is to be considered an alpha, as only 2/6 of the new races are added. This mod currently works with BGEE and SoD.
It is NOT recommended to use this mod with BG2EE or IWDEE. One person already temporarily broke their IWDEE install.
Thank you for choosing to use Planetouched Races!
Change Log:
Original version
Fixed issue where choosing the "Aasimar Origin" ability didn't remove the "Tiefling Origin".
Reworked the spells so that there are no new spell.ids entries required.
Spawned from the discussion here: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/49575/bringing-tieflings-adding-other-planetouched-races-later-to-bg1-2-iwd1-wip/p1
This mod adds Planetouched Races to BGEE and SoD. Currently, Tieflings and Aasimars are implemented. It is intended that Air Genasi, Earth Genasi, Fire Genasi, and Water Genasi will also be added. All races are based on the Planeswalker Handbook Planeswalker Handbook, 2nd Edition rules, and balanced for BGEE/SoD.
To play as a Tiefling or Aasimar, select elf and then complete character creation as an elf. The Genasi subraces will probably branch off of Human.
Carrying the taint of evil in their forms — and perhaps their very souls — tieflings are often persecuted and feared throughout the planes. The distant descendants of humans and evil outsiders, tieflings are regarded as twisted, devious, and untrustworthy. More often than not, this opinion is accurate.Tieflings have the following traits:
- +1 Intelligence, +1 Charisma, -1 Strength, -1 Wisdom; +1 Constitution, -1 Dexterity*;
- Infravision;
- 10% Resistance to Cold, Electricity, & Fire;
- +2 saves vs. Death/Poison & Wands;
- +2 Melee weapon damage Bonus**;
- and +5% Find Traps, +10% Move Silently, +10% Hide in Shadows, & +5% Set Traps.
**This is meant to help out Tiefling fighters. Because Tiefling fighters will never have greater than 17 Strength (this is Canon in the Planeswalker Handbook), a +2 to melee weapon damage will balance things out.
Carrying the blood of a celestial, an aasimar is usually good-aligned and fights against evil in the world. Some aasimars have a minor physical trait suggesting their heritage, such as silver hair, golden eyes, or an unnaturally intense stare.Aasimars have the following traits:
- +1 Strength, -2 Constitution, & +1 Wisdom;
- Infravision;
- +2 saves vs. Spells;
- 10% Resistance to Magic;
- and +10% Find Traps, +5% Move Silently, +10% Hide in Shadows, & +5% Set Traps.
Air Genasi
coming soon
Earth Genasi
coming soon
Fire Genasi
coming soon
Water Genasi
coming soon
The attached file is to be considered an alpha, as only 2/6 of the new races are added. This mod currently works with BGEE and SoD.
It is NOT recommended to use this mod with BG2EE or IWDEE. One person already temporarily broke their IWDEE install.
Thank you for choosing to use Planetouched Races!
Change Log:
Original version
Fixed issue where choosing the "Aasimar Origin" ability didn't remove the "Tiefling Origin".
Reworked the spells so that there are no new spell.ids entries required.
Post edited by rapsam2003 on
There is a link for it in the original post, so folks may peruse the main source I'm using.
I kind of figured (although I admit I never tested it) that race id 255 was the "max value"; that it was hard coded.
Is there a conflict with something? I mean, if there's a conflict with something you did, I can change things.
I thought the same thing with races ending at 255.
Using opcode 44 vs opcode 97...it seems that the only way to make this work is to account for Aasimar possibly having 19 Strength, which is OP. The problem is, what could balance this without unbalancing it when Aasimar have 18 or less Strength? Any suggestions?
After choosing the selection, when you get back to the Character Generation page, the description for the race is "I am Xactile, priestess of Sekolah and custodian of the Field of Bones. How may I serve you?"
Again, this could just be that the mod is in alpha and may not be compatible with IWDEE yet, but I just wanted to report this just in case.
Installing [Races: Tieflings, Aasimars]
Copying and patching 1 file...
Copying and patching 1 file...
Copying and patching 1 file...
Copying and patching 1 file...
Copying and patching 1 file...
Extending game scripts...
WARNING: EXTEND Planetouched/BAF/racespell.baf with strings from setup.tra
WARNING: @50 taken from setup.tra.
[Planetouched/BAF/racespell.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 15 column 1-42 Near Text: )
[SpellCastInnate] argument [TIEFLING_ORIGIN] not found in [Spell.IDS]
[Planetouched/BAF/racespell.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 18 column 1-31 Near Text: )
[RemoveSpell] argument [AASIMAR_ORIGIN] not found in [Spell.IDS]
WARNING: @103 taken from setup.tra.
[Planetouched/BAF/racespell.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 28 column 1-41 Near Text: )
[SpellCastInnate] argument [ASSIMAR_ORIGIN] not found in [Spell.IDS]
[Planetouched/BAF/racespell.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 31 column 1-32 Near Text: )
[RemoveSpell] argument [TIEFLING_ORIGIN] not found in [Spell.IDS]
WARNING: @109 taken from setup.tra.
Installing [Planetouched (Finish)]
Extending game scripts...
WARNING: EXTEND Planetouched/BAF/end.baf with strings from setup.tra
I have no idea if any of that is the reason why I'm getting the weirdness during character creation. Like I said, I'm not even sure this mod is compatible yet with IWDEE as the first post only says "This mod adds Planetouched Races to BGEE and SoD." I just wanted to post this issue in case the mod should work with IWDEE and all this is an unknown bug.
As for IWDEE spell.ids, this mod is absolutely not compatible yet. It currently tries to overwrite existing spell ids at 3161-3164. Also an easy fix with the same method as the other issue.
I apologize for what happened, but I did warn folks.
Anyway, it's not that big of a deal as I was working on a clean install and nothing happened a quick uninstall of the mod couldn't fix. I do, however, look forward to when the Planetouched is IWDEE compatible.
@subtledoctor I didn't mean overwriting the spell, I meant the spell ID in spell.ids. Furthermore, I'm not sure if it does overwrite the spell ID, or if it simply fails to add the new spell ID due to the old one.
3199 *insert spell name here*
See here: http://gemrb.org/iesdp/files/ids/bg2/spell.htm
By declaring my new spells ("Tiefling Origin", "Aasimar Origin", etc.) in the spell.ids, I can use them in scripts and allow there to be some if-then logic. Without if-then logic, my mod isn't really...functional.
In short, while it wouldn't be a ton of work to get the mod working for IWDEE, I would need to use find a range of ids in the IWDEE spell.ids file that is not already declared. Then, it's a simple matter to duplicate the spells specifically for IWDEE, in order to tell the mod to use the IWDEE range instead of the BGEE range by using the WeiDU logical statement "ACTION_IF GAME_IS ~iwdee~". It's not a lot of work, I think.