[Mod] The Deratiseur Unused Kits Pack versions v18.1 in french and english

This is the new release of my kits mod. NOW FULLY IN ENGLISH
Available for BG2/BGT, all EE versions and EET, for PC and Mac.
In this pack, you'll find:
- A half-orc fighter kit: the hatred carrier.
- A ranger kit: the Hunter of Vermin.
- A cleric kit: the Preacher of Fire. (with unique hlas : sadistic pyromaniac OR pure elementalist)
- A cleric kit : The Crusader of Goragos. (with warrior/cleric hlas)
- A thief kit: the Shadow Walker. (with unique hlas for enhance his magic or control the shadow)(TSR 9492)
- A gnome thief kit : the Shadowmage. (with unique hlas for becoming a shade (quasi lich))
- A mage (conjurer) kit (replaces the vanilla conjurer): the Savant Artilleryman. (also install the Mordenkainen's Force Missiles spell to the game)
- A fighter dual classed to a mage kit: the Warlord. (with unique hlas : best arcanism with lvl 10 spells and magic applied to the group OR insta-magic as a sorcerer )
- A human or alf-elf multiclass thief/necromancer kit: the Anatomist.
- An elf multiclass fighter/mage kit: the Bladesinger.
- A human multiclass cleric/entropist kit: the Theurgical Explorer. (Gain the symbol of Azouth at lvl 21)
For the Anatomiste, start as a human or alf-elf thief
For the Blasinger, start as an elvish fighter
For the Theurgical Explorer, start as a human cleric
The archive is on Mediafire or Github .
Official forum for bug reporting, questions, remarks (french)
Update 05/13/17 --> V14 with many bug fixes. Check them in the updates listing.
Update 10/09/17 --> a fix on Warlord (katanas usable) and Savant Artilleryman (MFM no more do fire animation), archive updated.
Update 05/03/18 --> V15 with bug fixes and a new kit (Shadowmage).
Update 04/15/19 --> V16 with many fixes with the english translations (and a few improvements)
Update 04/28/20 --> v17 with 2 new kits (Anatomist and Chanter of stone) and some fixes.
Update 01/08/22 --> v17.6 with 2 new kits (vermin hunter and Crusader of Garagos)
Update 03/01/23 --> v18 fully english translated.
update 19/05/24 ->v18.1 with 3 simplified kits and 2 removed kits.
Available for BG2/BGT, all EE versions and EET, for PC and Mac.
In this pack, you'll find:
- A half-orc fighter kit: the hatred carrier.
On the Sword Coast, near the Ten Cities, ancient wars against the combined armies of orcs and goblins have left the inhabitants a deep hatred for these creatures. Also the half-orcs, resulting from human rape by orcs, should not exist. They are usually killed at birth. But among raped mothers, they can't help themselves abandoning their spawn, regardless of breed. And half-orcs, can still grown among humans. When this happens, these children are being grown up in secret, because population would have no pity for a bastard orc, even for a child. Grown in the dark of a cave, or a smelly attic, living under the constant fear of being discovered and killed, they have not even a social bond beside the mother teaching them the world hates them, the hatred carriers are half-orcs who have forged by an unstable mind based on a single thought: the world hates me, I hate it in return. These are brutes without a scruple that know only strength, resentment and anger. Their condition of half-orcs gives them an exceptional constitution, but their mental instability severely hampers their ability to think or learn anything. They only know how to use those "brutal" gifts and show no finesse.
- Intimidation once a day every 4 levels. This ability acts as the spell "charm person", but with a longer duration and reduced saving throws. The ability to intimidate increases in power as the hatred carrier levels up. The person intimidated like this is always hostile when the effect of this ability expires.
- Roar of rage once a day every 5 levels from level 7. This ability acts as the spell "Horror", forcing all creatures surrounding the carrier hatred to pass a saving throw or risk being scared for 45 seconds. The ability to scare by Road increases in power as the hatred carrier levels up.
- Fist of fury once a day every 6 levels from level 12. When using this gift, the hatred carrier puts all his aggressiveness in his attacks. He then shows so much violence and during the following 2 rounds he gains an extra attack and all attacks do maximum damage. In addition, each hit he inflicts has a chance to stun the opponent.
- Indomitable: immune vs. charms
- Brutal: +1 to damage
- Limited to chaotic neutral alignment, neutral evil and chaotic evil
- Receive 10% experience points less (due to the weak ability of understanding)
- -1 to intelligence, charisma and wisdom at creation (due to his chronic lack of education)
- Intimidation once a day every 4 levels. This ability acts as the spell "charm person", but with a longer duration and reduced saving throws. The ability to intimidate increases in power as the hatred carrier levels up. The person intimidated like this is always hostile when the effect of this ability expires.
- Roar of rage once a day every 5 levels from level 7. This ability acts as the spell "Horror", forcing all creatures surrounding the carrier hatred to pass a saving throw or risk being scared for 45 seconds. The ability to scare by Road increases in power as the hatred carrier levels up.
- Fist of fury once a day every 6 levels from level 12. When using this gift, the hatred carrier puts all his aggressiveness in his attacks. He then shows so much violence and during the following 2 rounds he gains an extra attack and all attacks do maximum damage. In addition, each hit he inflicts has a chance to stun the opponent.
- Indomitable: immune vs. charms
- Brutal: +1 to damage
- Limited to chaotic neutral alignment, neutral evil and chaotic evil
- Receive 10% experience points less (due to the weak ability of understanding)
- -1 to intelligence, charisma and wisdom at creation (due to his chronic lack of education)
- A ranger kit: the Hunter of Vermin.
The best protected human cities insofar are never safe from the intrusion of harmful species such as rats, mold and others. In woodland cities, placed among trees, there are spiders, beetles and other giant insects that may nest in the area and disturb tranquillity.
Vermin Hunters are trained with the aim to disledge and exterminate these harmful creatures. A long training in this field has provided them a natural resistance to toxins, as well as the ability to heal others. They are also able to move freely through the spider webs, entanglements and other forms of immobility.
Among elves, these rangers are serving the community, while among humans, they are rather civil guards hired and paid.
- +3 to hit and damage against ankhegs, otyughs, silts and giant vermin.
- At level 4, freedom of movement: immunity against webs, entanglements, immobility and slowdowns.
- At level 8, immunity vs. poisons.
- At level 10, immune against non-natural diseases.
- At level 4 and every 4 levels, can slow poison once a day.
- At level 7 and every 5 levels, can neutralize toxins once a day.
- At level 12 and every 6 levels, can use "Vermin Summoning" once a day.
- At level 15 and every 8 levels, can use "Giant Vermin Summoning" once a day.
- Can not be burdened with any armour than studded leather armour.
- Can not learn any proficiency in two-handed weapons, but bows and clubs.
Note: in order to match cleric, human vermin hunter must have at least 15 strength and dexterity, and 17 wisdom.
At a high level, the hunter of vermin has so much experiences of harmful creatures that he can instinctively know where they are in the area and apply his skills of ranger to tame them. At every cast of this summon, up to 4 creatures will appear and join him for 2 minutes.
After years of fighting the harmful creatures, the hunter of vermin is able to draw and and call to him the most feared creatures. At this skill level, he may call up to 3 creatures that will join him for 2 minutes.
Vermin Hunters are trained with the aim to disledge and exterminate these harmful creatures. A long training in this field has provided them a natural resistance to toxins, as well as the ability to heal others. They are also able to move freely through the spider webs, entanglements and other forms of immobility.
Among elves, these rangers are serving the community, while among humans, they are rather civil guards hired and paid.
- +3 to hit and damage against ankhegs, otyughs, silts and giant vermin.
- At level 4, freedom of movement: immunity against webs, entanglements, immobility and slowdowns.
- At level 8, immunity vs. poisons.
- At level 10, immune against non-natural diseases.
- At level 4 and every 4 levels, can slow poison once a day.
- At level 7 and every 5 levels, can neutralize toxins once a day.
- At level 12 and every 6 levels, can use "Vermin Summoning" once a day.
- At level 15 and every 8 levels, can use "Giant Vermin Summoning" once a day.
- Can not be burdened with any armour than studded leather armour.
- Can not learn any proficiency in two-handed weapons, but bows and clubs.
Note: in order to match cleric, human vermin hunter must have at least 15 strength and dexterity, and 17 wisdom.
At a high level, the hunter of vermin has so much experiences of harmful creatures that he can instinctively know where they are in the area and apply his skills of ranger to tame them. At every cast of this summon, up to 4 creatures will appear and join him for 2 minutes.
After years of fighting the harmful creatures, the hunter of vermin is able to draw and and call to him the most feared creatures. At this skill level, he may call up to 3 creatures that will join him for 2 minutes.
- A cleric kit: the Preacher of Fire. (with unique hlas : sadistic pyromaniac OR pure elementalist)
Fire has often been admired among humanoids. Pyromancers light it for the simple pleasure of seeing it consuming all things. Mages (notably of Thay) admire it for its destructive power. Tacticians use it to scare, repel, corner the enemies.
Sometimes it also happens that clerics fall in admiration for this force of nature. Some less reasonable than others may even find that power worthy of veneration. Rejecting their worshipped gods of the origins, they are deprived of their skill to cast spells of divine origin. Among these fallen priests, the most fanatics towards fire and destruction it can cause are sometimes marked by dark powers, mostly of demonic origin. These fanatic clerics then want to have back the skill to cast spells, though corrupted by the power of fire and having no more restoration abilities. The dark powers that thus boost the power into these deprived clerics make them a tool of pure and simple destruction, although they don't necessarily get in touch with them to explain...
- He gains additional spells, all based upon fire:
Level 1: Agannazar's Scorcher, Burning Hands, Flame Dart.
Level 2: Boiling Rain Storm, Explosion, Fire Seeds, Lava Bomb, Lower Fire Resistance.
Level 3: Burning Weapon, FireBall, Fire Shield (Red), Flame Arrow, Lava burst, Melf's Minute Meteors.
Level 4: Blazing, Conjure Lesser Fire Elemental, Fire Breath, Fire Form, Lower Fire Resistance II.
Level 5: Ardent Mantle, Call Fire Servant, Fire Mark, Mass Protection From Fire, Pulverisation.
Level 6: Aura of Eath, Conjure Fire Elemental, Detonate, Elemental FireBall, Exploding Mephits.
Level 7: Fire Trap, Incineration.
- He gains 10% fire resistance at level 1, then 3% for each following level.
- At level 10 and all the following 3 levels, he can use "Burning Palm" once a day.
- At level 13 and 20, he can charm a Fire Elemental once a day.
- The Preacher of Flames has not access to ANY healing, recovery or restoration spell.
- He can not reject the undead.
- His alignment can only be neutral, or neutral evil.
- Obsessed by fire, he will never take under consideration embarking on another career. (can not dual-class)
- He does not receive a divine symbol at level 21, no longer having any connection with any "god" whatsoever.
Once the spell is cast, the preacher has two rounds to touch his enemy, burning him for 1D6 fire damage points for two levels of the preacher. If the preacher fails to touch the enemy, the spell is lost.
The preacher may attempt to control any elemental of fire by casual contact. The target is entitled to a saving throw with a -1 bonus for every 5 levels of the preacher to stand, otherwise it falls under the control of the pyromancer for 5 turns.
Sometimes it also happens that clerics fall in admiration for this force of nature. Some less reasonable than others may even find that power worthy of veneration. Rejecting their worshipped gods of the origins, they are deprived of their skill to cast spells of divine origin. Among these fallen priests, the most fanatics towards fire and destruction it can cause are sometimes marked by dark powers, mostly of demonic origin. These fanatic clerics then want to have back the skill to cast spells, though corrupted by the power of fire and having no more restoration abilities. The dark powers that thus boost the power into these deprived clerics make them a tool of pure and simple destruction, although they don't necessarily get in touch with them to explain...
- He gains additional spells, all based upon fire:
Level 1: Agannazar's Scorcher, Burning Hands, Flame Dart.
Level 2: Boiling Rain Storm, Explosion, Fire Seeds, Lava Bomb, Lower Fire Resistance.
Level 3: Burning Weapon, FireBall, Fire Shield (Red), Flame Arrow, Lava burst, Melf's Minute Meteors.
Level 4: Blazing, Conjure Lesser Fire Elemental, Fire Breath, Fire Form, Lower Fire Resistance II.
Level 5: Ardent Mantle, Call Fire Servant, Fire Mark, Mass Protection From Fire, Pulverisation.
Level 6: Aura of Eath, Conjure Fire Elemental, Detonate, Elemental FireBall, Exploding Mephits.
Level 7: Fire Trap, Incineration.
- He gains 10% fire resistance at level 1, then 3% for each following level.
- At level 10 and all the following 3 levels, he can use "Burning Palm" once a day.
- At level 13 and 20, he can charm a Fire Elemental once a day.
- The Preacher of Flames has not access to ANY healing, recovery or restoration spell.
- He can not reject the undead.
- His alignment can only be neutral, or neutral evil.
- Obsessed by fire, he will never take under consideration embarking on another career. (can not dual-class)
- He does not receive a divine symbol at level 21, no longer having any connection with any "god" whatsoever.
Once the spell is cast, the preacher has two rounds to touch his enemy, burning him for 1D6 fire damage points for two levels of the preacher. If the preacher fails to touch the enemy, the spell is lost.
The preacher may attempt to control any elemental of fire by casual contact. The target is entitled to a saving throw with a -1 bonus for every 5 levels of the preacher to stand, otherwise it falls under the control of the pyromancer for 5 turns.
- A cleric kit : The Crusader of Goragos. (with warrior/cleric hlas)
The legends say that Goragos was the god of war before Tempus killed him and stole his portfolio in a titanic battle.
But Goragos is certainly not dead. He is alive, and advocates the violent aspects of combat: carnage, destruction and pillaging. For Goragos, negotiation and tactics are the acts of the weak. Ambushes and retreats are the acts of cowards. Only man-to-man confrontation is honorable.
The Goragos crusaders thus strive to wreak destruction wherever they go. Few villages remain standing after their passage, and few survivors can tell of a confrontation with the Goragos Crusaders.
- He can specialize with all weapons allowed to a cleric.
- He can allocate 3 points in the two-weapon fighting style
- His thaco progresses globally like that of the warriors: +1 every 3 levels from level 2.
- He is immune to charms.
- He can go into Rage once a day for 1 turn. Enraged, he gains +2 to hit, damage and saving throw, +1 to initiative, and always attacks the nearest creature, even if it is an ally.
- At 7th level and every 5 levels thereafter he can use "Whirlwind Attack" once a day.
- At level 12 and every 7 levels thereafter he can use "Blade Barrier" once a day.
- At level 15 he gains one extra attack per round when he goes into a rage.
- At level 20 he automatically casts "Bless" and "Chant" when he goes into a rage.
- He can choose warrior hlas in addition to priest hlas.
- He cannot turn undead.
- He casts one less spell per spell level.
- He does not receive a divine symbol at high level.
- He can only be loyal or chaotic evil.
This ability allows the crusader to unleash a flurry of super-fast blows. The ability sets one's number of attacks per round to 10, but one's THAC0 and damage suffer a 4 point penalty. The Whirlwind Attack lasts for one round
The priest employs this spell to set up a wall of circling, razor-sharp blades. These whirl and flash around the crusader, creating an impenetrable barrier. Any creature attempting to pass through the Blade Barrier suffers 8d8 points of damage (Saving Throw vs. Spell to negate the damage). The barrier remains for 1 turn.
But Goragos is certainly not dead. He is alive, and advocates the violent aspects of combat: carnage, destruction and pillaging. For Goragos, negotiation and tactics are the acts of the weak. Ambushes and retreats are the acts of cowards. Only man-to-man confrontation is honorable.
The Goragos crusaders thus strive to wreak destruction wherever they go. Few villages remain standing after their passage, and few survivors can tell of a confrontation with the Goragos Crusaders.
- He can specialize with all weapons allowed to a cleric.
- He can allocate 3 points in the two-weapon fighting style
- His thaco progresses globally like that of the warriors: +1 every 3 levels from level 2.
- He is immune to charms.
- He can go into Rage once a day for 1 turn. Enraged, he gains +2 to hit, damage and saving throw, +1 to initiative, and always attacks the nearest creature, even if it is an ally.
- At 7th level and every 5 levels thereafter he can use "Whirlwind Attack" once a day.
- At level 12 and every 7 levels thereafter he can use "Blade Barrier" once a day.
- At level 15 he gains one extra attack per round when he goes into a rage.
- At level 20 he automatically casts "Bless" and "Chant" when he goes into a rage.
- He can choose warrior hlas in addition to priest hlas.
- He cannot turn undead.
- He casts one less spell per spell level.
- He does not receive a divine symbol at high level.
- He can only be loyal or chaotic evil.
This ability allows the crusader to unleash a flurry of super-fast blows. The ability sets one's number of attacks per round to 10, but one's THAC0 and damage suffer a 4 point penalty. The Whirlwind Attack lasts for one round
The priest employs this spell to set up a wall of circling, razor-sharp blades. These whirl and flash around the crusader, creating an impenetrable barrier. Any creature attempting to pass through the Blade Barrier suffers 8d8 points of damage (Saving Throw vs. Spell to negate the damage). The barrier remains for 1 turn.
- A thief kit: the Shadow Walker. (with unique hlas for enhance his magic or control the shadow)(TSR 9492)
The order of shadow walkers is a very ancient organization, whose members have a special affinity with shadows. Rumours say that the greatest masters of the order are true shadows, and that's shaped them. Whatever they are, this very special bond with shadows gives the shadow walkers a valuable benefit.
Recruitment in the order is made only by appointment of masters. The initiate, if he's accepted, is paired to a mentor who is responsible for teaching him the techniques of shadows and magic associated with it. Any official member of the order knows how to use shadows to their advantage and conjures simple spells to help him in his task. The real magic of shadows, however, is only practised by the most ancient masters.
Shadow Walkers are not conventional thieves. Resolutely turned towards good, they swear to use their special abilities to avenge victims. Acting as vigilantes, they hunt and beat criminals who escaped traditional justice.
- He can study all magic scrolls of abjuration, alteration, illusion and divination schools, and use magic of shadows to cast these spells like magic powers, up to 4 times per day per spell level. He masters a higher level spell every 4 levels, up to 4th level spell.
- His magical skills make him benefit of a +1 bonus to his saving throws vs. wands and spells.
- He sees in the dark as if he had Infravision.
- At levels 3, 5 and 7 he can use "Aura of Shadows" once a day.
- At levels 8, 10 and 12 he can use "Mantle of Shadows" once a day.
- At levels 13, 15 and 17 he can use "Shape of Shadow" once a day.
- Only human, elves and half-elves can be designated.
- Only a good soul can choose to follow the way of the Shadow walker.
- The study of magic leaves him little time for martial training, he is a poor fighter: his THAC0 follows that of mages (-1 every 6 levels starting from level 5) and he use light weapons and short bows only.
- The study of techniques of shadows goes hand in hand with his learning as thief, he receives only 20% to distribute among skills for every levelling up.
When he creates an aura of shadows, a half-magical aura covers the Shadow walker, which then has a +25% bonus in hiding. The aura can be kept a round per level.
When he covers himself with the mantle of shadows, the Shadow walker takes a shaded shape. In this partially translucent state, he has a +1 hiding bonus to AC and saving throws. He also gets a 50% bonus in hiding. If he stays firm for at least 1 round, he becomes invisible. While in the guise of the mantle (1 round per level) he can become invisible at will, staying firm 1 round.
The Shadow walker that uses this ability can become a living shadow. Under this shape he is almost invisible and gains a +4 to AC and saving throws. He can attack or cast a spell without returning visible, but the creatures may notice him a few moments from time to time, as a movement in the shadows. Detection of invisibility does not allow to reveal him and true sight reveals him only intermittently. If he comes to be attacked, only magical weapons can affect him. Under shape of shadow he can not use his weapons, as they ethereal they will pass through the targets without affecting them. But his touch will gain the properties of a shadow touch: 1D4 +1 damage points and strength reduction of 1 point for 2 turns when a saving throw vs. death at -3 is failed.
He can remain in the shape of shadow for 1 round per level or return to normal state when he desires.
Recruitment in the order is made only by appointment of masters. The initiate, if he's accepted, is paired to a mentor who is responsible for teaching him the techniques of shadows and magic associated with it. Any official member of the order knows how to use shadows to their advantage and conjures simple spells to help him in his task. The real magic of shadows, however, is only practised by the most ancient masters.
Shadow Walkers are not conventional thieves. Resolutely turned towards good, they swear to use their special abilities to avenge victims. Acting as vigilantes, they hunt and beat criminals who escaped traditional justice.
- He can study all magic scrolls of abjuration, alteration, illusion and divination schools, and use magic of shadows to cast these spells like magic powers, up to 4 times per day per spell level. He masters a higher level spell every 4 levels, up to 4th level spell.
- His magical skills make him benefit of a +1 bonus to his saving throws vs. wands and spells.
- He sees in the dark as if he had Infravision.
- At levels 3, 5 and 7 he can use "Aura of Shadows" once a day.
- At levels 8, 10 and 12 he can use "Mantle of Shadows" once a day.
- At levels 13, 15 and 17 he can use "Shape of Shadow" once a day.
- Only human, elves and half-elves can be designated.
- Only a good soul can choose to follow the way of the Shadow walker.
- The study of magic leaves him little time for martial training, he is a poor fighter: his THAC0 follows that of mages (-1 every 6 levels starting from level 5) and he use light weapons and short bows only.
- The study of techniques of shadows goes hand in hand with his learning as thief, he receives only 20% to distribute among skills for every levelling up.
When he creates an aura of shadows, a half-magical aura covers the Shadow walker, which then has a +25% bonus in hiding. The aura can be kept a round per level.
When he covers himself with the mantle of shadows, the Shadow walker takes a shaded shape. In this partially translucent state, he has a +1 hiding bonus to AC and saving throws. He also gets a 50% bonus in hiding. If he stays firm for at least 1 round, he becomes invisible. While in the guise of the mantle (1 round per level) he can become invisible at will, staying firm 1 round.
The Shadow walker that uses this ability can become a living shadow. Under this shape he is almost invisible and gains a +4 to AC and saving throws. He can attack or cast a spell without returning visible, but the creatures may notice him a few moments from time to time, as a movement in the shadows. Detection of invisibility does not allow to reveal him and true sight reveals him only intermittently. If he comes to be attacked, only magical weapons can affect him. Under shape of shadow he can not use his weapons, as they ethereal they will pass through the targets without affecting them. But his touch will gain the properties of a shadow touch: 1D4 +1 damage points and strength reduction of 1 point for 2 turns when a saving throw vs. death at -3 is failed.
He can remain in the shape of shadow for 1 round per level or return to normal state when he desires.
- A gnome thief kit : the Shadowmage. (with unique hlas for becoming a shade (quasi lich))
Sometimes, the incursion of creatures from other planes on Toril leaves more or less discrete traces. The gnome community is not exempt from these interplanetary encounters, and several generations later, certain deep-seated marks may resurface in an incongruous manner.
For example, when a gnome thief training to blend into the shadows gets the bizarre impression that he is truly one with them, he may become frightened or see it as an opportunity to overcome his condition.
The shadowmage is one of his thieves who has discovered a particular ancestry with the shadow. Taking advantage of this unexpected boon and his special affinity for illusions, he learns to manipulate the dark energy of the half-plane to shape it into magical spell-like powers.
- He can cast spells from the register of shadow and illusion as a wizard. He can cast up to 4 spells per spell level per day and develops a higher spell level every 3 thief levels.
- He learns to be truly at one with the shadows and gains a 2% bonus to hide in shadows and a 3% bonus to stealth each level.
- His mastery of shadow manipulation gradually increases and so does the amount of shadow he infuses into his illusions. He then casts spells using shadow matter as lower levels than mages.
- He can only cast spells of the shadow and illusion register.
- He cannot use any item reserved for wizards.
- Modelling the energy of the shadow half-plane is dangerous, especially for a beginner. 10% chance minus 1% per level (no chance at level 11) each time he casts a spell that he loses an energy level or a point of constitution. He recovers lost constitution after a night's sleep but a lost experience level can only be recovered with a dedicated spell.
- He spends a lot of time developing his powers and does not fully evolve in his thief class: only 15 points per level to distribute on abilities and 20% less xp.
For example, when a gnome thief training to blend into the shadows gets the bizarre impression that he is truly one with them, he may become frightened or see it as an opportunity to overcome his condition.
The shadowmage is one of his thieves who has discovered a particular ancestry with the shadow. Taking advantage of this unexpected boon and his special affinity for illusions, he learns to manipulate the dark energy of the half-plane to shape it into magical spell-like powers.
- He can cast spells from the register of shadow and illusion as a wizard. He can cast up to 4 spells per spell level per day and develops a higher spell level every 3 thief levels.
- He learns to be truly at one with the shadows and gains a 2% bonus to hide in shadows and a 3% bonus to stealth each level.
- His mastery of shadow manipulation gradually increases and so does the amount of shadow he infuses into his illusions. He then casts spells using shadow matter as lower levels than mages.
- He can only cast spells of the shadow and illusion register.
- He cannot use any item reserved for wizards.
- Modelling the energy of the shadow half-plane is dangerous, especially for a beginner. 10% chance minus 1% per level (no chance at level 11) each time he casts a spell that he loses an energy level or a point of constitution. He recovers lost constitution after a night's sleep but a lost experience level can only be recovered with a dedicated spell.
- He spends a lot of time developing his powers and does not fully evolve in his thief class: only 15 points per level to distribute on abilities and 20% less xp.
- A mage (conjurer) kit (replaces the vanilla conjurer): the Savant Artilleryman. (also install the Mordenkainen's Force Missiles spell to the game)
The spell Magic Missile is one of the representative icons of arcane magic, a good example of raw magic and one of the favourite spells of most young mages. It is no wonder that some mages focus their studies on this spell, determined to improve it more than any other. The Savant Artilleryman belongs to those, passionate about this spell due to its infallibility to hit the target.
Obsessively exploring all runes and magical symbols composing the spell to break its limits, he eventually ended up developing the ability to pervert the original energy to create new effects. Embedding every facet of the spell into his mind, he becomes a true expert, able to transcend the dweomer to make a tool of major devastation.
By using and abusing this spell, he forgave the principles of his school and earns a new title: he becomes a Savant Artilleryman.
- At level 1 he learns a special version of the "Magic Missile" spell, which cannot be prevented by dead magic, miscasting, etc.
- At level 5 he can cast "Shield" as a special ability once a day.
- At level 7 he automatically learns a special version of "Mordenkainen's Force Missiles" which cannot be blocked by the "Shield" spell.
- At level 9 he breaks the Magic Missile spell limit: +1 missile every three levels, up to a maximum of 11 missile at level 27.
- At level 11, his Shield ability is upgraded to block magical projectiles from wands, traps, special abilities, etc....
- At level 13 he improves the spell "Mordenkainen's Force Missiles" so that it casts faster (-1 to casting time) and imposes -2 to the saving throw against the explosion.
- At level 15 he improves the Magic Missile spell so that each missile has a 10% chance of piercing the target's magic resistance.
- At level 17 his Shield ability is upgraded to send back any magic missiles he is the target of.
- At level 19 he further improves the "Mordenkainen's force missiles" spell: the area of impact of the explosion is increased by 15% and if the saving throw fails the targets affected remain stunned for 1D2 rounds.
- At level 21 and every 5 levels thereafter, he gains a free use of Magic Missile as a special ability once a day.
- At level 23 he further improves the Magic Missile spell so that each misile has a 10% chance of inflicting a critical hit (double damage).
- At level 25 he breaks the limit of Mordenkainen's Force Missiles spell: +1 missile every 3 subsequent levels until the 11th missile at level 37.
- He has the same restrictions as a summoner: enchantment school prohibited.
- He does not have the option of improved memorization normally given to his specialization.
- He does not use scrolls or wands of Magic Missile. It would be a mess, he has no control over these pre-memorized spells.
Obsessively exploring all runes and magical symbols composing the spell to break its limits, he eventually ended up developing the ability to pervert the original energy to create new effects. Embedding every facet of the spell into his mind, he becomes a true expert, able to transcend the dweomer to make a tool of major devastation.
By using and abusing this spell, he forgave the principles of his school and earns a new title: he becomes a Savant Artilleryman.
- At level 1 he learns a special version of the "Magic Missile" spell, which cannot be prevented by dead magic, miscasting, etc.
- At level 5 he can cast "Shield" as a special ability once a day.
- At level 7 he automatically learns a special version of "Mordenkainen's Force Missiles" which cannot be blocked by the "Shield" spell.
- At level 9 he breaks the Magic Missile spell limit: +1 missile every three levels, up to a maximum of 11 missile at level 27.
- At level 11, his Shield ability is upgraded to block magical projectiles from wands, traps, special abilities, etc....
- At level 13 he improves the spell "Mordenkainen's Force Missiles" so that it casts faster (-1 to casting time) and imposes -2 to the saving throw against the explosion.
- At level 15 he improves the Magic Missile spell so that each missile has a 10% chance of piercing the target's magic resistance.
- At level 17 his Shield ability is upgraded to send back any magic missiles he is the target of.
- At level 19 he further improves the "Mordenkainen's force missiles" spell: the area of impact of the explosion is increased by 15% and if the saving throw fails the targets affected remain stunned for 1D2 rounds.
- At level 21 and every 5 levels thereafter, he gains a free use of Magic Missile as a special ability once a day.
- At level 23 he further improves the Magic Missile spell so that each misile has a 10% chance of inflicting a critical hit (double damage).
- At level 25 he breaks the limit of Mordenkainen's Force Missiles spell: +1 missile every 3 subsequent levels until the 11th missile at level 37.
- He has the same restrictions as a summoner: enchantment school prohibited.
- He does not have the option of improved memorization normally given to his specialization.
- He does not use scrolls or wands of Magic Missile. It would be a mess, he has no control over these pre-memorized spells.
- A fighter dual classed to a mage kit: the Warlord. (with unique hlas : best arcanism with lvl 10 spells and magic applied to the group OR insta-magic as a sorcerer )
EXALTED FIGHTER: He is, among the fighters, a fanatic who lives only to fight, swearing only by war and dreaming only of victories. Some even more fanatical still try by all means to gain power to crush opponents.
Such a fighter, if he discovers an innate magical potential, can see it as a new source of power and chooses to learn it to make use of it: if that is the case, he gains a new status: he becomes a Warlord.
- Nothing special as he did not embrace the career of mage.
- To match a mage, he only needs 17 intelligence and 12 wisdom; his physical characteristics are not important.
- He believes that only the real weapons of war are worthy to being learned.
- Obsessed by the idea of earning power, he can not be lawfull good.
- Thinking about ranged fight tactics as cowardly, he refuses to use any ranged weapon.
WARLORD: The warlord if a fanatical fighter who has seen his gift of arcane magic as a unique way to become a pitiless war machine. Continuing to train to combat, he has focused his discovery of "essential" magic, all that would allow him to become more powerful in combat or inflict heavy damage to his opponents. Ignoring traditional magic he forms his own panel of spells, whose whole purpose is shown in combat.
Proud fighter, he does not use "loose" techniques as hiding behind invocations or fight from afar. On the opposite he does not look for nobility in battle, and therefore has no scruple about inflicting the worst torments to his targets, either mental destruction or total annihilation.
- Magic comes spontaneously to him, he can continue to lead the fight, and his fighting skills are only partly reduced:
* He gains 1 additional hit point per level.
* His saving throw vs. death increases by 1 every 4 levels (maximum +5).
* His table of THAC0 is aligned to that of a cleric.
* He can wear any amor without being bothered to cast spells (when he levels his levels of fighter).
- An inner research during respited allows him to regularly discover new spells.
- His skills of memorizing evolves faster than those of a traditional mage.
- Using gifts of innate magic, he understands nothing about arcane magic, and can not use or learn from magic scrolls.
- Devoting a part of his time to train as a fighter, he can not fully evolve in his mage function (-15% xp).
- Thinking about ranged fights tactics as cowardly, he refuses to use any ranged weapon.
Such a fighter, if he discovers an innate magical potential, can see it as a new source of power and chooses to learn it to make use of it: if that is the case, he gains a new status: he becomes a Warlord.
- Nothing special as he did not embrace the career of mage.
- To match a mage, he only needs 17 intelligence and 12 wisdom; his physical characteristics are not important.
- He believes that only the real weapons of war are worthy to being learned.
- Obsessed by the idea of earning power, he can not be lawfull good.
- Thinking about ranged fight tactics as cowardly, he refuses to use any ranged weapon.
WARLORD: The warlord if a fanatical fighter who has seen his gift of arcane magic as a unique way to become a pitiless war machine. Continuing to train to combat, he has focused his discovery of "essential" magic, all that would allow him to become more powerful in combat or inflict heavy damage to his opponents. Ignoring traditional magic he forms his own panel of spells, whose whole purpose is shown in combat.
Proud fighter, he does not use "loose" techniques as hiding behind invocations or fight from afar. On the opposite he does not look for nobility in battle, and therefore has no scruple about inflicting the worst torments to his targets, either mental destruction or total annihilation.
- Magic comes spontaneously to him, he can continue to lead the fight, and his fighting skills are only partly reduced:
* He gains 1 additional hit point per level.
* His saving throw vs. death increases by 1 every 4 levels (maximum +5).
* His table of THAC0 is aligned to that of a cleric.
* He can wear any amor without being bothered to cast spells (when he levels his levels of fighter).
- An inner research during respited allows him to regularly discover new spells.
- His skills of memorizing evolves faster than those of a traditional mage.
- Using gifts of innate magic, he understands nothing about arcane magic, and can not use or learn from magic scrolls.
- Devoting a part of his time to train as a fighter, he can not fully evolve in his mage function (-15% xp).
- Thinking about ranged fights tactics as cowardly, he refuses to use any ranged weapon.
- A human or alf-elf multiclass thief/necromancer kit: the Anatomist.
the anatomist is a thief practicing the black arts who sought to find in the study of various corpses a way to perfect the sneak attack commonly learned by those of his profession.
Through extensive study of the inner and invisible parts of bodies, and after much training on weak reanimated animals, the necromancer eventually discovered secrets of the flesh that transcend the simple attack of the vital points.
He becomes an anatomist, knowing the bodies of the living so well that he always knows where to strike to do the most damage, without the need for camouflage.
- +1 to critical strike chance, +2 at level 5, +3 at level 11 +4 at level 18 and +5 at level 26.
- +1 to thaco every 4 levels.
- Does not do sneak attacks.
- Although he is a necromancer, he does not have any bonus spells.
Special: After character creation, the anatomist automatically becomes a multi-classed thief/necromancer.
Through extensive study of the inner and invisible parts of bodies, and after much training on weak reanimated animals, the necromancer eventually discovered secrets of the flesh that transcend the simple attack of the vital points.
He becomes an anatomist, knowing the bodies of the living so well that he always knows where to strike to do the most damage, without the need for camouflage.
- +1 to critical strike chance, +2 at level 5, +3 at level 11 +4 at level 18 and +5 at level 26.
- +1 to thaco every 4 levels.
- Does not do sneak attacks.
- Although he is a necromancer, he does not have any bonus spells.
Special: After character creation, the anatomist automatically becomes a multi-classed thief/necromancer.
- An elf multiclass fighter/mage kit: the Bladesinger.
Of all the elven fighters, few are as dangerous as bladesingers. They have spent their entire lives studying their weapon of choice, and have become absolute masters. In addition, they learned to cast spells while fighting, doubling their power.
The sure steps of the Bladesinger do not only make him a beautiful creature when fighting, they also allow him to place in the best positions. He instinctively knows to grasp the flow of battle and draw the wise handlings that allow him to optimize his strikes.
He also knows how to attract the flow of surrounding magic and convert it to his own advantage. Although he can not attack while casting a spell, he can defend himself against melee attacks thanks to it.
Unwavering defender of the elven faith, the bladesinger not only has to devote himself all times to make the elven cause advance, but he must also assist any elf in need. Unless it is proved that this elf in an enemy of the Elven faith, the bladesinger must do everything to save him, even if it requires giving one's life.
- He can achieve grand mastery with one-handed long blades.
- He can wear armour without this preventing him from casting spells.
- +1 to the speed factor, +1 every 4 levels thereafter.
- He gains a bonus to AC equal to half his fighter level +1. This bonus does not apply against missiles.
- At level 10 he gains +1 to hit and damage.
- He does not use weapons other than one-handed long blades.
- He does not use projectile weapons.
- He never wears armour heavier than studded leather.
- He does not learn two-weapon or two-handed fighting styles.
Special: after character creation, the bladesinger automatically becomes a multi-class fighter/mage.
The sure steps of the Bladesinger do not only make him a beautiful creature when fighting, they also allow him to place in the best positions. He instinctively knows to grasp the flow of battle and draw the wise handlings that allow him to optimize his strikes.
He also knows how to attract the flow of surrounding magic and convert it to his own advantage. Although he can not attack while casting a spell, he can defend himself against melee attacks thanks to it.
Unwavering defender of the elven faith, the bladesinger not only has to devote himself all times to make the elven cause advance, but he must also assist any elf in need. Unless it is proved that this elf in an enemy of the Elven faith, the bladesinger must do everything to save him, even if it requires giving one's life.
- He can achieve grand mastery with one-handed long blades.
- He can wear armour without this preventing him from casting spells.
- +1 to the speed factor, +1 every 4 levels thereafter.
- He gains a bonus to AC equal to half his fighter level +1. This bonus does not apply against missiles.
- At level 10 he gains +1 to hit and damage.
- He does not use weapons other than one-handed long blades.
- He does not use projectile weapons.
- He never wears armour heavier than studded leather.
- He does not learn two-weapon or two-handed fighting styles.
Special: after character creation, the bladesinger automatically becomes a multi-class fighter/mage.
- A human multiclass cleric/entropist kit: the Theurgical Explorer. (Gain the symbol of Azouth at lvl 21)
The theurgical Explorer is a very hard priest of Azuth who has devoted to the sacred mission to add as many spells as possible to the great encyclopedia of Azuth. He does that for that choice to open himself to arcane magic and explore one of its most exotic branches: wild magic. If he is not the first to do so for worship, it is his deep passion for the magic that distinguishes him in the eyes of his god, and it is only when he wishes to devote himself completely to the exploration of magic in all its forms he can be given a complete change of divine abilities granted to him, in order to assist him in the mission he is given. He then ceases to be a priest to become a theurgical explorer.
- Dweomeric divine protection: his incantations can not fail: he is immune to miscast magic and Dispel Magic, and wearing an armor does not prevent him to use his mage spells. (He can still be stopped, paralyzed or muted)
- Divine assistance: 100% chance of learning spells whatever intelligence level is.
- Divine Advantage: -1 to casting time of spells, additional -1 at level 15.
- Special Divine Spell: he can cast a special version of "Wondrous Recall", which allows him to remember two priest and two mage spells.
- Divine Balance: -1 divine spell memorizable by spell level.
- Shared Entropy: divine spells he casts have a 5% chance to trigger an entropy Hiatus.
Special: After character creation, the theurgical Explorer automatically becomes a multi-class cleric/wild mage.
- Dweomeric divine protection: his incantations can not fail: he is immune to miscast magic and Dispel Magic, and wearing an armor does not prevent him to use his mage spells. (He can still be stopped, paralyzed or muted)
- Divine assistance: 100% chance of learning spells whatever intelligence level is.
- Divine Advantage: -1 to casting time of spells, additional -1 at level 15.
- Special Divine Spell: he can cast a special version of "Wondrous Recall", which allows him to remember two priest and two mage spells.
- Divine Balance: -1 divine spell memorizable by spell level.
- Shared Entropy: divine spells he casts have a 5% chance to trigger an entropy Hiatus.
Special: After character creation, the theurgical Explorer automatically becomes a multi-class cleric/wild mage.
For the Anatomiste, start as a human or alf-elf thief
For the Blasinger, start as an elvish fighter
For the Theurgical Explorer, start as a human cleric
The archive is on Mediafire or Github .
Official forum for bug reporting, questions, remarks (french)
Update 05/13/17 --> V14 with many bug fixes. Check them in the updates listing.
Update 10/09/17 --> a fix on Warlord (katanas usable) and Savant Artilleryman (MFM no more do fire animation), archive updated.
Update 05/03/18 --> V15 with bug fixes and a new kit (Shadowmage).
Update 04/15/19 --> V16 with many fixes with the english translations (and a few improvements)
Update 04/28/20 --> v17 with 2 new kits (Anatomist and Chanter of stone) and some fixes.
Update 01/08/22 --> v17.6 with 2 new kits (vermin hunter and Crusader of Garagos)
Update 03/01/23 --> v18 fully english translated.
update 19/05/24 ->v18.1 with 3 simplified kits and 2 removed kits.
Post edited by deratiseur on
1 : which spell crash ? You cannot cast multiple spells at one
2 : please, send me your Weidu.log file to the_deratiseur@hotmail.com
It doesn't happen when memorizing 1st Level Spells.
Sorry, I can't find a Weidu.log, I have reset the whole gamefolder to before I have installed the mod.
So i have many questions to try to fix your bug.
1 : is the game BG2EE or BGEE ? Or maybe the Black pits ? or IWDEE ?.
2 : which kits are installed ? (all of them or just any, which ?)
3 : the preacher is the protagonist or another party member ?
And the "weidu.log" is in the same directory where is the "Setup-Derats_kits.exe". This file help me to see which over mods can interact with mine.
2. Only the Preacher of Flame kit is installed
3. The Preacher is the protagonist
I have no other Mod installed, and as I said, since the Mod caused trouble in my game, I have reset the whole folder to my backup, so I don't have a weidu.log.
Update: I have installed your Mod again and, so far, haven't had any trouble with any of the spells, not really sure what I did different this time, but it is now working and I'm not complaining ^^.
Update Update: I have identified the culprit, it is a second-level Divine Spell named boiling blood. I don't know, where it came from, it doesn't seem to be part of your mod and I have no other mod installed, but memorizing this spell crashes my game.
The icon of the spell is this one :
Do you speak about this spell ?
Loving this kit on my current run through the game (just got BGEE some 15 years after playing the original!) but I was wondering if you could tell me the location/timing for the bladesingers armour that's mentioned in the readme?
(PM as to not spoil it for others?)
How does one mod it so a Base Class accesses a Kit when they Dual? I want to do something similar myself eventually: so that when a level 2 fighter dual classes to a mage he accesses a special kit (but no later). Thanks ahead of time.
Script assigned by the spell assigned to the kit at lvl 1 (creation)
For the script, look at it on "script" repertory
For the spell, find his name in the PxWarlG.2da and find it at the spells/copy repertory.
Returns true only if the experience level of the specified object is less than the 2nd parameter.
Use it.
note : if you impose this for your kit, it will be unusable on BG2, SOD only and TOB only, because the characer doesn't stat at lvl 1.
This can be seen on the setup: the second and third kit have the "KITTABLE.2da" line empty.
If you have many questions, ask on an email, please.
If you want modding, the best way is to look how over modders have made: explore and use the tools, open and explore the files of over mods to look how they are used, and have tutorials and info-sites opened if needed.
I will release soon a v14 with these fixes (or i'll wait at least one another month for finishing my 80% done new kit), so please:
The fixes ever done are:
Preacher of flames: "Magma ball" missing icon fixed, Ardent Mantle "Camouflaged" statut fixed, "Remove fear" missing spell fixed, "Magma ball" english description fixed.
Master of swarm: "Cristal Spyder" missing summoning files fixed, "Unstable Grasshopper" don't cause Chaos rattle fixed.
Shadow walker: missing hlas titles fixed
Savant Artilleryman: missing files that unable upgrade of "Mordenkainen's Force Missiles" fixed, True IWDEE version of Mordenkainen's Force Missiles" for IWDEE added.
Sorcerer: missing english "Staff" kit description (replaced by dagger version) fixed.
Theurgical Explorer: Inconvenient of -1 spell per spell lvl -> cause too many engine bugs, removed, replaced with "randomly more wild surges". No spells on creation fixed.
Choose your language:
0 [Francais]
1 [English (by Nightfarer)]
Using Language [English (by Nightfarer)]
Using .\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk
The DERATS_KITS/SETUP-DERATS_KITS.TP2 mod has 12 distinct optional components.
To save time, you can choose what to do with them at a high level rather
than being asked about each one.
What should be done with all components that are NOT YET installed?
[I]nstall them, [S]kip them, [A]sk about each one? a
SKIPPING: [Fighter (half-orc) Kit : Hatred Carrier]
This component works only with Throne of Bhaal expansion or an Enhanced Version.
SKIPPING: [Ranger Kit : Hunter of Vermin]
This component works only with Throne of Bhaal expansion or an Enhanced Version.
SKIPPING: [Cleric Kit : Preacher of Flames]
This component works only with Throne of Bhaal expansion or an Enhanced Version.
SKIPPING: [Druid Kit : Master of the Swarm]
This component works only with Throne of Bhaal expansion or an Enhanced Version.
SKIPPING: [Thief Kit : Shadow Surveyor]
This component works only with Throne of Bhaal expansion or an Enhanced Version.
ERROR: No translation provided for @40
Continuing despite error.
This component works only with Throne of Bhaal expansion or an Enhanced Version.
ERROR: No translation provided for @90
Continuing despite error.
Install Component [UNDEFINED STRING: @90]?
[I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit?
I tried installing on top of BGT:EE
Remember : the Shadowmage componant (Ombremage) isn't actually translated. If you really want it, take the ombremage. tra file in the french directory and copy it in the english directory.
(sorry, i havent't yet understood how to set an "auto use native language if translated one doesn't exist").
I don't think that is a particularly well written criticism and seems rather unnecessary. These mods are a gift and take time for others to translate and create to the best of their ability. To simply take the time out of your day to insult another member is not helpful. If you are to offer criticism make sure it is constructive please.
Thank you very much for this mod and the translation. I will be giving this a go tonight and look forward to it.
Thank you!