Damian Soundset (BGEE/BG2EE/IWDEE)

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Custom soundset for the player character in Baldur's Gate 2, Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition, or Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition. Uses (occasionally out of context) voice clips of the character Damian from the visual novel Requiescence.
Recommended for a fighter type with a tendency toward the overdramatic. Contains mild fourth wall breaking (addressing the player).
Sound clips from Requiescence by Argent Games; used with permission.
Voice by Trent Wall (TrentFace)
If you download this soundset, please check out Requiescence! (There's got to be some overlap between BL game fans and Baldur's Gate modding fans besides me, right...?)
Custom soundset for the player character in Baldur's Gate 2, Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition, or Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition. Uses (occasionally out of context) voice clips of the character Damian from the visual novel Requiescence.
Recommended for a fighter type with a tendency toward the overdramatic. Contains mild fourth wall breaking (addressing the player).
Sound clips from Requiescence by Argent Games; used with permission.
Voice by Trent Wall (TrentFace)
If you download this soundset, please check out Requiescence! (There's got to be some overlap between BL game fans and Baldur's Gate modding fans besides me, right...?)