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MegaMod 3.15: Mazzy Romance, Clara NPC, Darkside Anomen, Flying Aerie, For The Evil, & more! (DONE)



  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited January 2023
    amendara wrote: »

    Mod has been super fun, only problem is I have got stuck at a certain point:

    At the end of Ust Natha, Viconia has met Imrae though I pressured Viconia to stay with me and not her daughter. Imrae leads us to the eggs, then I told Ardaluce about Phaere's betrayal.

    All works well, Ardaluce summons demon and he kills her, then I ask Viconia to talk and she makes her deal, the demon eats one egg then says "try to keep up with me". But he does not move or do anything, nor can I talk. On the way out of the city all the drow say "I serve house Devir" then leave after Viconia's announcement. But no demon anywhere.

    I went to Adalon's lair and she is sitting there and I cannot talk to her. Then I went to the drow guarded underdark exit, talk my way through, and get to the surface. But no demon anywhere and no hardening of Drow items.

    Any idea what is going on? Tried several times, including siding with Phare, but every time the Demon does nothing after eating the egg.

    I tried looking at the scripts in NearInfinity but it looks pretty complex.

    Okay the code for the Demon starting to walk is just as Ratatoskr said:

    AreaCheck("AR2201") //Temple of Lolth

    The first one just means that he can detect you.
    Second says that Viconia needs to be able to talk.
    Third is that the global _bDemonWalks needs to be set to one.
    And the last is that you are indeed in the Temple of Lolth.

    Now #4 we know is true. You are in the temple. So the next step is to make sure that conditions #1, 2, and 3 are also being met.
    Post edited by BCaesar on
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited January 2023

    Some more things:
    Global("_bDemonWalks","GLOBAL",1) is set right before the Demon says: **I CAN FEEL THE PULL OF THEIR MOTHER. I WILL GO TO HER. TRY TO KEEP UP, FALSE DARKLINGS.**

    So while you should check it to be sure, my guess is the global is correct.

    You said the same thing happened several times, so clearly it's not a one-time glitch. Do you get the following dialogue, said by Viconia?


    I'd like to figure this out. You really should see it, it was so much work to create and I'm pretty proud of how it turned out, but unfortunately everything is dependent on that demon walking. But at least we know exactly where the glitch is so fixing it shouldn't be as complex as I was initially worried it would be.

    P.S. Another question: Is anyone in your party stutter-bugging, where it seems like they want to talk but aren't and they often move slower too.
    Post edited by BCaesar on
  • amendaraamendara Member Posts: 16
    Thanks for all the help.

    I fixed it!

    And the result was pretty awesome. This definitely is a must have mod for any playthrough. It was really interesting to be able to take Viconia down this path.

    The problem was demlord.bcs file was some other one, so I am guessing some later installed mod in my order overwrote it.

    These lines:

    AreaCheck("AR2201") //Temple of Lolth

    Were not even there. So I copied the baf from the All Things Mazzy folder of demlord.bcs and simply added to the file in Near Infinity. Then everything worked fine, and I got to have a much more satisfying journey to the surface, wiping out the elves and installing the demon at the new temple.

  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited January 2023
    amendara wrote: »
    Thanks for all the help.

    I fixed it!

    And the result was pretty awesome. This definitely is a must have mod for any playthrough. It was really interesting to be able to take Viconia down this path.

    The problem was demlord.bcs file was some other one, so I am guessing some later installed mod in my order overwrote it.

    These lines:

    AreaCheck("AR2201") //Temple of Lolth

    Were not even there. So I copied the baf from the All Things Mazzy folder of demlord.bcs and simply added to the file in Near Infinity. Then everything worked fine, and I got to have a much more satisfying journey to the surface, wiping out the elves and installing the demon at the new temple.

    Awesome. Yeah, some (less-well-coded) mods overwrite files instead of adding to them and then they break any other mod installed before that uses those files. So if some other mod overwrote demlord.bcs that would absolutely break things.

    We tried as best we could to code this mod so that you can install it last and still break absolutely no other mods. So we tried to always add and delete lines to existing files rather than overwriting whole files.

    If you wanted to guarantee there are no other problems like that just uninstall AllThingsMazzy and reinstall it. It'll then add its lines to all the files, even any that other mods overwrote.
  • PrattlesnakePrattlesnake Member Posts: 1
    I'm confused. Is the Mazzy romance mod voiced?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Prattlesnake No. None of our additional content is voiced. However, parts of our mod do use existing game dialogue, which may be voiced already. There's also an optional soundset that you can install for the Clara NPC.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    I'm confused. Is the Mazzy romance mod voiced?

    I can't remember using existing in-game dialogue for anything Mazzy said, so odds are if you hear her talking that's dialogue already in the game. If you can't hear her then that's mod dialogue.

    In addition to the Clara NPC optional soundset that Ratatoskr mentioned, Bodhi has basic dialogue for her NPC when she's in your party, which is all cut and copied out of lines that were already voiced in the original game.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    amendara wrote: »
    BCaesar wrote: »

    There's also one Mazzy-Jan scene I'm really happy with. I think it's just a few days of game time (so you can pass that by travel or resting) and then you get the dialogue when you rest in a forest or dungeon.

    That scene was great. Potatoes haha.

    I have to know the answer to this one; I'm just too curious. In the English version Jan is obsessed with turnips, so the Mazzy-Jan dialogue is all about them. Are you playing the Russian version of BG2 and in that version does Jan talk about potatoes instead of turnips?

    Language-language translation/localization fascinates me.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited January 2023
    3.10 is just a small update. It includes some fixes to the Russian translation and a new line for Mazzy if you kill the shadow dragon.
    (Mazzy the Leader will still show as an open quest in your journal. It's designed that way for reasons).
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    What reasons?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    A combination of the quest being meant to span the rest of the game, so you keep asking her about it. And it being too difficult to code with things closing.
  • IecerintIecerint Member Posts: 431
    I'm curious about the Clara mod. Is it a spoiler to give a bit of a ballpark of where she ends up after her various power-ups? It looks like there are a couple different Clara mods out there, so I'm curious.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Iecerint I've never done a full round-up, so it'll take me a bit. But she gets at least one thing from every canon NPC (usually 2-3), so if you make the effort to get them all, it gets a bit ridiculous. :smile:
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited February 2023
    Okay, spoilers ahead.

    The very unorganized and not specific list of Clara NPC Banter bonuses (if you get absolutely everything):

    Valygar - Hide in Shadows Bonus, Move Silently Bonus, Nondetection

    Jan - various items that give bonuses when worn, Dex bonus,

    Korgan - Strength bonuses, Constitution bonus

    Aerie - Charm Animal, Find Traps (spell),

    Dorn - Wisdom bonus, better saves against death, poison weapon

    Jaheira - Wisdom bonuses, Charisma bonus

    Nalia - Dex & Con bonus for both of them,

    Yoshimo - Katana proficiency, Backstab bonus,

    Mazzy - Shortbow prof bonus,

    Neera - Int bonuses for both, Lore bonuses for both, various items

    Minsc - Truesight, Charm Animal, Berserker

    Cernd - Find Traps (spell),

    Keldorn - Nondetection

    Haerdalis - Shortsword proficiency bonus, Shadow Door,

    Wilson - Constitution bonuses

    Imoen - Find Traps, Pickpocketing & Lockpicking bonuses, Special trap

    Rasaad - Dex bonus for both,

    Viconia - Poison Weapon, Poison arrows, Wisdom bonus,

    Edwin - Shadow Door, Save vs Spell bonus, Joke item,

    Anomen - (If you do their whole sequence) Item, Wis bonuses for both. (Alternate version is a Charisma bonus)

    Sarevok - Longsword prof bonus,

    Non-canon NPCs:

    Our Bodhi - Hide in Shadows & Move Silently bonuses

    Saradas - Save vs death for both
  • IecerintIecerint Member Posts: 431
    Got it. I think the idea is cool use of mechanics to play with her theme of losing herself in another person, but reorganized into "growth." At least, that's my guess at how it might be organized. I'll check it out next time I play on PC :)
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Iecerint Our Clara is definitely a bit of a chameleon, being whatever the person she's talking to wants her to be/what will give her the most advantage.

    I wouldn't say that's apparent in every banter since there's some people she doesn't bother trying to impress, but it is a running theme.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Clara seemed like she was trying to do her William Shatner impression from his last season of Star Trek.
  • amendaraamendara Member Posts: 16
    BCaesar wrote: »
    amendara wrote: »
    BCaesar wrote: »

    There's also one Mazzy-Jan scene I'm really happy with. I think it's just a few days of game time (so you can pass that by travel or resting) and then you get the dialogue when you rest in a forest or dungeon.

    That scene was great. Potatoes haha.

    I have to know the answer to this one; I'm just too curious. In the English version Jan is obsessed with turnips, so the Mazzy-Jan dialogue is all about them. Are you playing the Russian version of BG2 and in that version does Jan talk about potatoes instead of turnips?

    Language-language translation/localization fascinates me.

    Hmm it was so long ago I don't remember, except that I enjoyed it. Something about Uncle Scratchy's potato operation and Mazzy getting offended?
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Endarire wrote: »
    Clara seemed like she was trying to do her William Shatner impression from his last season of Star Trek.

    Sorry, I've never seen the original Star Trek TV episodes, so any similarities are entirely coincidental :smiley: .
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited February 2023
    amendara wrote: »

    Hmm it was so long ago I don't remember, except that I enjoyed it. Something about Uncle Scratchy's potato operation and Mazzy getting offended?

    Oh, that wasn't actually ours. Ours involves nightmares, the god of turnips, walruses, and the Protection from Turnips spell. You get it on a rest.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    This page of this thread talks about a seemingly bugged Weathermistress from this mod. How legit is this problem, and how should it be fixed?

  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Endarire wrote: »
    This page of this thread talks about a seemingly bugged Weathermistress from this mod. How legit is this problem, and how should it be fixed?


    Thanks. It was a problem that we've bug-fixed a few times and it seems to work for most people most of the time. I'm inclined to just delete that one part of it since it's still being an issue. I'll poke around when I next get a chance.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited February 2023
    Okay I happen to have this morning off, let's pull open this nonsense and muck around.

    I really hate opening up old stuff like this, especially this as it's part of the mod I really don't care about. It was some of the first stuff I wrote and coded and I look through it and go, "God, did I write and code this garbage?" and in this case the answer is yes; I can't even blame it on Ratatoskr. But since it's already done I don't want to just delete it (as a general rule we don't delete finished projects); I just want it to be better without involving a ton of work on my part.

    Luckily I think I know how to re-write and code it to relatively simply fix everything.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited February 2023
    Endarire wrote: »
    This page of this thread talks about a seemingly bugged Weathermistress from this mod. How legit is this problem, and how should it be fixed?


    Okay I fixed it, tested it as thoroughly as I could think of, and sent it off to Ratatoskr. She'll get the new lines translated and post it.

    What a waste of a few hours. Hah. But hopefully now it's done and we don't ever have to dig through that file again :smiley: .

    The details are:
    1. I made it so the amount you have to pay to the temples to regain their good graces is way, way lower.
    2. I made it so Mae'Var gives the stolen item back to you. He doesn't want it anyway.
    3. Made it so if you kill Mistress Ada of Talos anytime other than when you're doing this quest then nothing happens to you.
    Post edited by BCaesar on
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Endarire wrote: »

    If you happen to need this particular bug fixed before we get things translated just let us know and we'll send you the English files.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    I don't need it yet. I've been waiting on the GitHub version.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    I've got the file now, so I'll get it updated as soon as I can. I may have just gotten to check my email for two days straight.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Okay, mod is updated.

    Main Mod:

    1. Made it so Mae'Var gives you the necklace or statuette back after you give it to him.
    2. Made it so Talos only kills you if you kill his high priestess while she's still angry at you for stealing the necklace (the rest of the time you can kill her with impunity).
    3. Drastically reduced the amount you have to pay to the temples to regain their good favor.
  • zelazkozelazko Member Posts: 88
    edited February 2023
    1) What should be installed first Alternatives or Mega Mazzy Mod / All Things Mazzy?

    2) For Ascension do you recommend to skip installing this component?
    Install Component [Expanded Epilogues for Bioware NPCs]?
    [N]o, [Q]uit or choose one:
    1] David Gaider's expanded epilogues for Bioware NPCs
    2] Alternate epilogues by Shawne

    Since Mazzy Megamod makes its own epilogues.
    Post edited by zelazko on
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