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[Released] Black Hearts - BG1



  • Copycat665Copycat665 Member Posts: 15
    Trouveur wrote: »
    Copycat665 wrote: »
    I've looked through this topic for solutions, but I have been unable to find the MetNerys Global or anything for Nerys in my eeKeeper. So I'm not sure how to force the next step to start.
    Solution is just one message up there. It specifically says to use Near Infinity (NOT EEkeeper) in order to edit an area script.
    "You need to edit WI0004.ARE with Near Infinity and replace the area script AR0167.BCS to BG0167.BCS."

    I'm sorry, was not clear in my post.
    I also did that area change in Near Infinity. Still did not start the conversation after I ported over.
  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 221
    So you use EET...

    - First of all, make sure you have saved the change, as it's easy for Near Infinity not to validate them.

    - Then after being teleported in Nerys house use the console to verify one variable :


    It should be at 2
  • Copycat665Copycat665 Member Posts: 15
    Aye, apologies. I am indeed running EET.
    You can probably see I'm not entirely proficient in this modding community :)

    Issue is now solved. Your first comment was right on the mark. As I've never used Near Infinity before I seem to have messed up saving the change correctly. Went back and made the change again.

    Thank you all for answers and help!
  • Copycat665Copycat665 Member Posts: 15
    New non-technical problem I'd hope someone can help me with :)

    I can't find thy Night-Knives
    that took Nerys
    Was told that either the Thieves Guild or the Flaming Fist might help.
    My issue is, I kinda accidently may have pissed off the guild when I entered the city the first time and they're all a bit dead now. And I am far in the main quest where I don't have access to Scar. Eltan is awaiting me to check on the Iron Throne. So I kinda ain't got access to any of the people that can help me.
    I feel like I've searched every nook and crany in the city, but it is huge, so I have clearly missed something. Anyone able to tell me where to find them?
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 723
    Copycat665 wrote: »
    New non-technical problem I'd hope someone can help me with :)

    I can't find thy Night-Knives
    that took Nerys
    Was told that either the Thieves Guild or the Flaming Fist might help.
    My issue is, I kinda accidently may have pissed off the guild when I entered the city the first time and they're all a bit dead now. And I am far in the main quest where I don't have access to Scar. Eltan is awaiting me to check on the Iron Throne. So I kinda ain't got access to any of the people that can help me.
    I feel like I've searched every nook and crany in the city, but it is huge, so I have clearly missed something. Anyone able to tell me where to find them?
    in one the docks warehouses in south central district
  • Copycat665Copycat665 Member Posts: 15
    Thanks a lot!
  • ClericOfSharClericOfShar Member Posts: 1
    Can't get into the hidden cave. Any way to bypass that?
  • DarthNihilus530DarthNihilus530 Member Posts: 59
    When I try to talk to Illasera the Quick, my game crashes and exits on its own. I play on Android
  • jakeharris10jakeharris10 Member Posts: 3
    I thought this was an excellent mod, fitted the story and ethos of BG1 really well and added some sorely-lacking context for some ToB characters. I followed some of the fixes here and encountered just these problems, I wondered if anyone else found them?

    - trying to get Krotia's gemstone in the Astral Demesne non-violently caused a reproducible CTD - the violent way was fine!
    - how does this mod actually end?
    Illasera joins us for the final battle v Sarevok (becomes a green circle member) but at the end of the battle she just remains there, uninteractable, and doesn't come with us when we leave the temple. I feel sure this isn't how the mod was meant to end!
  • DuronDuron Member Posts: 147
    Point is if you play them as single entities game starts an animation and game is over. You start SoD or BG2 and that is that. With animations it is over, aka mod wasn't made to be used as EET. I personally play it one game after another. Noticed most mods work better that way. True, I cannot use EET only mods, but all other mods are a lot more stable.
  • SourSour Member Posts: 118
    edited February 2024
    A few bugs to report. I'm using EET and I installed the fix provided in this thread but I still had some issues with Nerrys. I talked to her at 3 old kegs and we teleported to her house. When I tried to talk to her I got a generic list of questions I could ask her that had nothing to do with searching her house for her research. I checked the house and found nothing so I left and re-entered the house and she had dissapeared. I then went back to the 3 old Kegs and she was there and when I talked to her the quest progressed. Later she showed up at the Elfsong Tavern but a second version of her was still inside the 3 old Kegs bar.

    In the sewers of Baldur's Gate. The final battle would spawn doubles of all the enemies if I reloaded a quick save from right before I entered the room. However, If I went back to a hard save from right after I finished the previous fight but before I pre buffed for the final fight, everything would work as normal. So I had to prebuff over and over again until I figured out how to win the final fight.

    When I talked to the Astral Rune Portal the option I needed to pick to move on was labled @3113 or something like that. Looked like a bug.

    Also the ex harper guy in the hidden grotto. He died so fast that his two friends didn't blow up into little spiders. The fight felt way easier than any of the other battles in this mod and I can sense that something went wrong.

    I spotted 1 grammatical error as well. The Quest for the mirror. Your Player Character has 5 options to choose from when being briefed by Illasera. Option #5 says "That's enough. I ready to get started." It should say "That's enough. I'm ready to get started".

    Now that the bugs are reported. My opinion of the Mod:

    The character interaction with Illasera is well written and makes her the most enjoyable character interaction in the entire game in my opinion. The ability to just chill out and have a night of tales and drinks is nice and it makes me wish there were other bar activities like cards or a drinking game to let off some steam every once in a while. The writing thickens the main plot of BGEE while adding strength to characters and encounters that will take place in future games. The mod is paced well and doesn't drag down the experience in any way.

    The fights are challenging and among the hardest in the game. With the exception being the ex harper in the hidden grotto which may have been bugged.

    The new areas look nice and fit pretty well other than the hidden grotto. The grotto has a BG2 wilderness look to it and it really sticks out in BG1 similar to Beamdog's Neera quest.

    I didn't experience any crashes.

    The items didn't feel OP but added some interesting options that may be useful depending on the party build.

    I didn't have any problems with the ending using EET. Illasera talked with me and even had options to talk to my companions one on one. She said her parting words and we warped off back to Baldur's Gate city on our own.

    I would give this mod a "B" rating because of the bugs. It needs a little more polish but it's one of the best mods for BGEE in terms of writing and gameplay. The amount of material added via new explorable areas and quests is pretty solid as well. It's not a huge mod but it's not small either. All in all, I liked this mod and hope it gets some much needed fixes in the future. If it were polished up I would give it an "-A" rating. If the grotto backdrop were replaced with something more appropriate as well as the previously mentioned polishing/bug fixing, I would give this mod a solid "A". If the bugs get fixed I will probably install Black Hearts every time I play the game in the future.
    Post edited by Sour on
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 723
    About the druid, you need to wait some seconds before starting to attack him so his script fires. Also I think you need to clearly see the two men with him so the script works as intended.
    Nerys's bug is only on EET.

    About the foes appearing twice, I met this bug on EET. I will see if it also occurs on BGEE very soon (I'm in the sewers part).
    If I read you well, you had some banters with Illasera after Sarevok's death? It never occurred in my runs, but maybe it's due to SCS or endless BG1.

    I saw you enjoy Black Hearts, SotSC and Balduran's Seatower, they are staples in my installation now. I would suggest trying Gorgon's Eye too, another impressive quests mod. 🙂
  • SourSour Member Posts: 118
    edited February 2024
    Thanks, yeah I have been watching that one and may install it next time. I will probably give it a shot on my next big install but I have alot left to do on my current game. Icewind Dale 1 and 2 with HOW and TOTLM, Neverwinter in BG2 and all of Lava's mods for BG2. It's going to be a long EET run and then I will probably need a break for a while before considering a new install.

    After Sarevok's death I could talk to Illasera and she had a list of things you could ask her but it was a generic list similar to nerrys. I guess I just consider the battle with the red mage to be the end of black hearts content and Illasera's presence at the final battle with Sarevok is more or less just symbolic of what she was really after. Giving her a closing comment and allowing her to teleport away afterword would be much more polished of course but from what I've read this mod was abandoned already which is too bad.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    edited February 2024
    The dialogues with Illasera after Sarevok's death (which were possible in my game because I had the "Endless BG" mod installed -- I never use EET) are identical to the dialogues that are available before the Astral fortress quest. The mod wasn't designed with "Endless BG" (or EET) in mind, so the final "official" dialogue with Illasera is the one you have when you meet her within the Temple of Bhaal right before confronting Sarevok.
    Sour wrote: »
    After Sarevok's death I could talk to Illasera and she had a list of things you could ask her but it was a generic list similar to nerrys. I guess I just consider the battle with the red mage to be the end of black hearts content and Illasera's presence at the final battle with Sarevok is more or less just symbolic of what she was really after. Giving her a closing comment and allowing her to teleport away afterword would be much more polished of course but from what I've read this mod was abandoned already which is too bad.

    You should've received these dialogue options from Illasera earlier in the game. And she explicitly tells you (when she meets you within the Temple of Bhaal) that Sarevok was her ultimate target all along (so her presence there is not "just symbolic").
  • SourSour Member Posts: 118
    Perhaps symbolic was a bad choice of wording but the final fight with the red wizard was the last major piece of content for Black Hearts in my opinion. She shows up at the fight with Serevak and acknowledges that she was after him all along and then joins your party and that's it. She wasn't much of a help either. The generic questions you could ask her were indeed available earlier in the game and they were available here once again. I use Endless Baldur's Gate so we were all still standing around after the fight which this mod obviously wasn't designed with in mind.

    I'm aware that the mod wasn't originally built with EET in mind but the author seemed interested in making it compatible and seemed to be testing it for a little while before bowing out. There are multiple games worth of triple A content available for EET that are not available otherwise so I can't see myself ever playing without it. Either way, if the author ever decides to return to the project and polish up the experience for EET players then I would add it to my permanent install list at that time. Until then, it's too buggy for my tastes but a good mod worth experiencing for sure.
  • SylvanasSylvanas Member Posts: 1
    Alright, ran into a bug. When I broke into the Red Wizard enclave, there were two copies of the boss wizard (Chemise I think her name was?), one of which was clearly meant for later in the game. This didn't happen the first time, but kept happening every time I reloaded. How to fix?
    Not using EET
    BG1NPC, BGQE, Tweaks Anthology, Jmerry Tweaks are the main mods.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Sylvanas wrote: »
    Alright, ran into a bug. When I broke into the Red Wizard enclave, there were two copies of the boss wizard (Chemise I think her name was?), one of which was clearly meant for later in the game. This didn't happen the first time, but kept happening every time I reloaded. How to fix?
    Not using EET
    BG1NPC, BGQE, Tweaks Anthology, Jmerry Tweaks are the main mods.

    I had a similar problem. If I remember what happened correctly, after the "correct" Cherise teleported away I think I just used control-Y on the extra Cherise (before the wrong dialogue initiated). Then I left that area and re-entered.

    The final encounter worked fine after doing this.
  • mausmaus Member Posts: 24
    The reason behind is, that in the area script the block for creating the opponents is doubled. You can edit the area script and remove one of the blocks.

    This happens also in some other areas, so it is worth checking the code and improving it ;)
  • mausmaus Member Posts: 24
    edited March 2024
    Post edited by maus on
  • mausmaus Member Posts: 24
    edited March 2024
    Post edited by maus on
  • mausmaus Member Posts: 24
    edited March 2024
    Post edited by maus on
  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 210
    edited March 2024
    So uh, random post after a long time away. Sorry you all :grimace:

    After releasing this mod and trying to correct some bugs people found, I have to admit I kinda started to feel an extreme imposter syndrome about modding. Had those feelings like the mod was trash, my scripting sucked, it wasn't worth fixing, and I didn't have time for it, so I sorta ran away from this forum and just shut myself away from messages about it. The SOD part I had planned wasn't panning out at all either.

    I do apologize cause I know there's a few bugs that probably shouldn't be too hard to fix, I've just been so up in my own head about it for the past half year. It doesn't help that BG3 kinda killed my desire to continue developing my own fancanon into the Baldur's Gate world (maybe an unpopular opinion, but I really didn't like the game's story or what it did to that world).

    I've very little free time these days to pour into modding, but I'm going to try and look over the various reports this weekend and see about fixing them, as well as making some script revisions (as in, the story of the mod). Thank you to everyone who played and enjoyed it.
    Post edited by AWizardDidIt on
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Welcome back! I just want to say again how impressed I am with this mod. The writing is top notch. It's an excellent addition to the game overall -- one of the "top 3" large-scale mods for BGEE in the past decade, IMO. I love the greater depth it brings to the game, especially the way it nicely connects BG1 to the events of ToB. And Nerys is hilarious. B) So thanks for this mod, @AWizardDidIt !
  • SourSour Member Posts: 118
    @AWizardDidIt No need for apology, modding is a gift to the public and if you decide to dedicate your own time without being paid to fix problems then that is up to you and you shouldn't force yourself to work on it if you don't want to. I'm glad you are considering polishing up the minor issues this mod has though. It's a very good mod, one of the best I've played for BG and I've been playing since the initial release of the game back in the day and played many mods over the years.

    I didn't like the direction BG3 took either and I would rather play these old games with mods than pay for more propaganda to be pushed into my house through AAA games these days. I consider TOB with mods to be BG3 and the official BG3 is actually just DOS 3. Anyway, I'm glad to see you back considering how close this mod is to being what I consider an "A" tier mod. I was kind of surprised that you lost interest so soon after Black Hearts initial completion but it happens. Some guys have taken 5 or more years away and then suddenly update their mods out of the blue. It's shocking to see mods like SCS getting updated decades later. Like anything creative, the desire comes and goes and some mod makers disappear and never return.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Since you were concerned about future maintenance of your mod, what about adding an explicit license like Creative Commons or MIT to your GitHub readmes so the small number of people who want to improve it can freely edit it, rehost it, and publicly share it? Note that argent77's mods like Test Your Mettle!, Afaaq, and Golem Construction use the Creative Commons license, and the community doesn't have tens of versions of his stuff publicly available, but people can do cross-mod with his material and freely update it if they wanted.

  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 723

    I've very little free time these days to pour into modding, but I'm going to try and look over the various reports this weekend and see about fixing them, as well as making some script revisions (as in, the story of the mod). Thank you to everyone who played and enjoyed it.
    That would be great, but don't feel obligated to do so if you don't have the time or the motivation.
    Thanks again for this great mod. :)

    Beside the reported bugs, I would also suggest to reduce the loots from the foes in chapter 5. Barbarians don't need helm of charm protection thanks to their rage, and plate mail armor instead of full plate mail would probably suffice too.

    For the mirror quest, maybe you could keep the specific NPC interactions you wrote, but add a generic dialog option if the main char is a cleric or a paladin, or if a cleric or a paladin is in the party, so even NPC mods could work too ?
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    dont worry and no need to excuse for anything. You have spend your free time and have given us something for free… You have our thanks - nothing less.

    Take your time with the mod. Make it like you want it and keep the control of the mod. The community can wait, and if there are bugs, they can be handles in due time or by console.

  • EekanImpEekanImp Member Posts: 28
    I want to echo the others and say that Black hearts is a fantastic mod - among my Top 3.

    The writing immediately drew me in and, when I finished the game, I dashed to check if you had other mods. Which...well. :'(

    So, to start with, thank you for sharing your time & talent with the community. Modding can be thankless (especially since people don't really comment after playing through - something I myself am often guilty of). But Black Hearts is ALWAYS a recommend from me when people ask for BGEE mods. <3

    And, secondly, please don't ever feel you're obligated. Or that you owe anyone apologies or updates/fixes.

    As someone who loves Black Hearts, I'd obviously love to see more from you, or get some small fixes, but that's never something you OWE anyone. You already took the time & courage to share your work. It's something we can download and enjoy.

    After reading your comment, and seeing the others poke in, I simply want to join and share my appreciation for the mod and your writing. :)
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 193
    edited April 2024

    I want to report a bug, as I don't know what's causing this.

    I'm playing a new game and entered Feldpost Inn only to find Illisera joined to my party as a temp permanent npc I can't remove and follows my party everywhere.

    Currently playong on EET with this being the first Time I've installed this mod, I don't know if you know about this bug before hand or if there's a mod conflict with somthing else so I'll also leave my weidu in case I'm missing something.

    Post edited by DraikenWeAre on
  • megrimlockmegrimlock Member Posts: 58
    I have played this mod a number of times without this happening, but I do notice that, at least when she is in Feldepost's, Ilasera has a permanent blue circle which must indicate *some*thing. In combination with that fact, the one mod on your list which I raised my eyebrow at was Animate Dead Now. Given temnix's disdain for compatibility with absolutely anything, coupled with the fact that ADN adds npcs to your party, I would cautiously bet that would be the culprit.
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